Tous les avis sur Firefox Appliquer les filtres
Parcourir les avis sur Firefox
Tous les avis sur Firefox Appliquer les filtres
- Secteur d'activité : Télécommunications
- Taille de l'entreprise : 501–1 000 employés
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Ancora un po' di strada da fare
Buon browser che rimane affidabile senza stupire per particolari funzioni
È un buon browser alternativo a Edge o Chrome ma che non è più al top come il passato. Buono ma non eccelle.
Funzionalità un po' datate, non c'è implementata l'IA come in Edge

- Secteur d'activité : Services et technologies de l'information
- Taille de l'entreprise : 51–200 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant Essai gratuit
Provenance de l'avis
FIreFox Browser Review
I recommend using Firefox browser if the user is searching for friendly-use browsing and security.
All features of browsing and secure connections are available.
it is not compatible with a few websites, like some governmental websites.
- Secteur d'activité : Services et technologies de l'information
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Firefox Navegador de Internet
Utilizo a pouco tempo, então estou conhecendo aos poucos, cada funcionalidade mais especificamente, mas pelo que eu pude perceber é um navegador bem simples de mexer, bem intuitivo, e estou me dando muito bem com ele, consigo fazer minhas buscas e configurações sem dificuldades. Continuarei usando, e indicando a quem se interessar.
Gostei do layout das janelas e do modo de navegação.
Não tenho nada do que reclamar, não tenho problemas em sua utilização.
- Secteur d'activité : Logiciels
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Simple Browser
Firefox is a great browser tool. Because it's perfectly working without any bugs and it's very simple app to use. UI theme colour also great and I love it
Nothing have to say any complaints about this unbelievable browser.
- Secteur d'activité : Gestion de l'enseignement
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
gutes Software
beim Surfen schneller
einfach zu bedienen
der AD Blocker muss verbessert werden
ansonst finde ich keine Nachteile
- Secteur d'activité : Rédaction et correction
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Firefox is a Safe Browser
Firefox is a back up browser for me. When Google freezes, I will use Firefox. I can go ingonito if I want to.
The only thing I don't like about Firefox is that it tends to update a lot. I like to get into a browser and search without any hassles.
- Secteur d'activité : Services juridiques
- Taille de l'entreprise : 10 000+ employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les mois pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Un buon browser, ma c'è di meglio.
Firefox è una valida alternativa al classico Microsoft Edge o al popolare Google Chrome, ma non è il miglior browser in circolazione.
Mozilla Firefox è un browser veloce e intuitivo.
Spesso è andato in crash senza un apparente motivo.
- Secteur d'activité : Services et technologies de l'information
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Excellent browser for privacy
Very intuitive to use and less invasive of privacy.
Official support is limited, but community forums can answer most questions.
- Secteur d'activité : Gestion de l'enseignement
- Taille de l'entreprise : 201–500 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
good platform
security is given most important in this browser
some formats of webpage is not supported
- Secteur d'activité : Gestion de l'enseignement
- Taille de l'entreprise : 51–200 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
I can not use this any more
The updates are maddening. After years of use I lose everything, put it back in a few days later another update, lose again. I have used it another year or two and now this update is maddening. It does not remember the profile, all my previous data - GONE. The time to call service and get any help, which did not help last time is not happening. I am bailing on Firefox and sadden by it.
I have been using Firefox for years. I like the interface and overall use.
The terrible, data erasing, frustrating updates.
- Secteur d'activité : Internet
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Fiferox, un browser moderno e veloce
Ho installato Mozilla fiferox perché mi è stato consigliato da amici, che lo usavano e si trovavano bene.A me è piaciuto fin da subito il suo stile semplice ma efficiente.
La cosa che mi piace di più di fiferox è la sua praticità nel navigare sul web.È comodo e a portata di mano, dato che esiste anche lapp.Inoltre il suo design è molto semplice e moderno, il che facilità la navigazione.
Secondo me potrebbero aggiungere qualche funzione come un von integrata, che rendere la navigazione ancora più sicura e protetta.
- Secteur d'activité : Informatique et sécurité réseau
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Firefox is good browser with terrible printing for email
Good except for printing of email
Browser functions well except for printing
Printing is terrible. I recently tried to print out an email confirmation of Southwest flight. It printed nothing of use—four blank pages. This is outrageous.
- Secteur d'activité : Services aux consommateurs
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
I use it daily
I like the fact that i have more privacy
Honesty i have nothing that i like least about it
- Secteur d'activité : Rédaction et correction
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les mois pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Works for me when Firefox is the only option
It’s an option for me if this is the only browser available at a given time.
Most software programs are compatible with Firefox.
I feel like its interface could be cleaner and tidier.
- Secteur d'activité : Immobilier
- Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Firefox has saved us a couple times
Firefox always allows me to open certain links that won’t allow me to access on others
Firefox can make links load for hours without working
- Secteur d'activité : Urbanisme et architecture
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
very good browser
Very good quality, it is very fast and easy to use I recommended people to use, it is still new and fresh so it is very fast maybe the researches' you look for are not available in that big way but still helpful .
Easy to use very fast and of course it is for free, it is new so it is fast i hope it can still as fast as it is today, I can search about anything i need on it very helpful.
there is nothing to dislike about it actually .
- Secteur d'activité : Réseaux informatiques
- Taille de l'entreprise : 501–1 000 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
The oldest favorite default web browser
the most useful web browser, and it supposed to be the leader in web tools
the best web browser eververy powerful browser its available on mobile and tablets access to bookmarks id very easy
take higher ram compared with opera, sometimes crashed if you don't update the app

- Secteur d'activité : Machines
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
The most free and open-source option among browsers
I have used Firefox off and on for many years now, and I use it frequently in conjunction with Tor browser. I like the free and open-source nature of the browser and although I might not use it as my primary browser, I tend to swap between browsers anyway.
I like that Firefox is compatible with both Tor browser and the newer I2P. Also, Firefox has many variations that are developed by smaller developers due to its open-source nature. Finally, it supports many plugins and addons.
My least favorite thing about Firefox is the fact that it seems to want to update every time I open the browser. This is a minor annoyance, and is hardly enough to deter me from using the browser.

- Secteur d'activité : Services et technologies de l'information
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Its good browser with less ads
Overall i don't use it every day but when it comes to privacy browser when i need to brows something more secure i prefer this
Well if we compare to other browser i see less ads and have more privacy features than other browsers
Even though Firefox has potential but still its not used by many not all advance web functions works good on it that's what put it to third place on my browser list
- Secteur d'activité : Internet
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Si tratta di un ottimo browser, molto veloce e personalizzabile
Firefox è il mio browser preferito come ventenne. Apprezzo la sua attenzione alla sicurezza e alla privacy, offrendomi tranquillità durante la navigazione. La possibilità di personalizzare il browser con estensioni e temi mi consente di adattarlo alle mie preferenze. Nonostante possa consumare un po' di memoria, le sue prestazioni veloci e la compatibilità con gli standard web mi consentono di navigare senza intoppi. Nel complesso, Firefox è una scelta affidabile e versatile per le mie esigenze di navigazione online.
Tra i diversi vantaggi abbiamo la sicurezza e la privacy, è molto personalizzabile, abbiamo sempre prestazioni veloci, sincronizzazione multi-piattaforma e infine la sua modalità lettura e leggibilità
Tra gli svantaggi invece abbiamo la compatibilità limitata, consumo di memoria, supporto limitato per alcune estensioni e infine prestazioni più lente su alcuni sistemi
- Secteur d'activité : Marketing et publicité
- Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Secure and reliable
It's a great web browser for all-time. Daily partner of my life. My all devices are engaged with this.
Very very easy to use and navigate. For fast browsing it's working like superman. User-friendly interface. Tracking protection was very impressed.
Need improve add Blocker. Virus protection was not so good. Also need to fix the interrupt download.
- Secteur d'activité : Logiciels
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant Essai gratuit
Provenance de l'avis
Firefox un browser molto prometente
Firefox e un browser diciamo completo nella quotidianità lo uso per vedere il meteo ed leggere le news ed fare anche qualche ricerca con motori di ricerca come duck duck ho
Firefox lo uso sia sul telefono che sul pc ed lo trovo molto comodo visto che ha funzioni come le estensioni per mobile che si installano ed anche una bella grafica oltre che ha molte potenzialità per essere un alternativa ha Chrome almeno su mobile visto che ha la possibilità di metter la barra di ricerca sotto ed sopra invece chrome per android ti costringe ha mettere la barra di ricerca sopra
Di Firefox non mi è piaciuto che alcune funzioni non sono presenti su alcune versioni particolari come peresempio su iPhone e molto limitato Firefox rispetto ad android ed windows ma non penso sia rilavenate su android e window ma su iPhone si perché le estensioni non ci sono ed altre funzioni mancano spero che le aggiu vano pure li un giorno

- Secteur d'activité : Gestion de l'enseignement
- Taille de l'entreprise : 51–200 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Best browser with less memory consumption.
- easy to use, and consume less RAM when it operates multiple tabs, compared with Chrome.- user-friendly customization is the most I liked and responsiveness is amazing.
- it seems to be lightweight when using HTML code running.- Compared with other browsers addons and plugin support is poor.
- Secteur d'activité : Meubles
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Ottimo Browser
La mia esperienza è stata eccellente, fluido, ottime le estensioni, ottima la navigazione generale.
Sicuramente leggero e velocissimo un degno concorrente rispetto alle controparti più blasonate. Gira bene nelle macchine più datate, dispone della possibilità di arricchire il tutto con delle estensioni.Ottimo per me
Nessun inconveniente riscontrato, la mia esperienza è stata eccellente
- Secteur d'activité : Enseignement primaire et secondaire
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les mois pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Buscar en firefox
Es una herramienta que permite una fácil corrección ortográfica que es una ayuda importante en el aula de clase para la motricidad cognitiva con niños y así con el subrayado evaluar sus habilidades de producción textual, como docente y conferencista de educación básica y secundaria es muy útil para enseñar el uso de la interactividad para la investigación de trabajos escritos. Aun así es importante poder contar también con una más amplia búsqueda integrada para todas las edades y que se pueda controlar por tutores.
Buscar en FIREFOX se convierte en una gran ayuda sobre todo para enseñar los usos de consulta en internet para niños.
debería existir una amplitud de actualizaciones en diferentes programas, sobre todo en este caso que lo uso para niños.
- Secteur d'activité : Construction
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
The one I keep coming back to
Experience has been great. I use it daily, it's updated often. What's not to like
Firefox is the one I keep coming back to. I've tried Chrome, Safari, ME... but the one I I always have on my personal Mac Book Pro and company Dell is Firefox. It gives me the functionality and privacy I didn't always think I was getting with the others
There isn't anything that comes to mind that I don't like about Firefox
- Secteur d'activité : Événementiel
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les mois pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
On the fence
Firefox has decent search rankings and results
It isn't as slick as some competitors and can be a little slow

- Secteur d'activité : Logistique et chaîne d'approvisionnement
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Firefox excelente navegador
Entre lo que más me ha gustado de Firefox es que me es muy útil para abrir imágenes de páginas web, que con brave y chrome no lo puedo hacer, la otra ventaja es que es de la fundación mozilla, lo utilizo desde que no había tantos navegadores, y me siento muy cómodo con él aunque no es mi navegador por defecto.
Al navegador Firefox no le encuentro cosas que no me hayan gustado, salvo que no trae bloqueador de publicidad de origen, pero se resuelve con una extensión
- Secteur d'activité : Automobile
- Taille de l'entreprise : 51–200 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
My main and favorite web browser (on desktop/laptop)
When I did not have a separate computer, my father on his computer had a few browser. IE, Maxthon, Opera and somehow Mozilla got installed.At that time it was just a "small" browser among many, not in the top 5 as nowadays.It had its adventures with a mobile OS system 4-5 years back, it had a short, but a fruitful life I reckon.I personally prefer Mozilla over the ones I use alternatively (Edge, Chrome), on the desktop/laptop, but on the mobile, there Chrome (on Android) worked better.On the desktop I have a few add-ins that can help you achieve even more, than the usual arsenal gives you.I prefer the dark mode, better four your eyes.Silently it does its thing, I can not really say bad about it.Free, that is important.When you have 2 browser instances, close one, then close the second, you may lose the first's open tabs.
Fast on desktop/mobileWorks on a lot of platforms: Linux, Windows, Apple products, mobileHas a lot of and sometimes exclusive 3rd party add-insWidely supported by websites, web applications, forums and developers.Multilingual, new versions are developed centrally.ESR versions may help you with special/older networks, applications.Educational materials are available.Dev. tools are in-built.Free, market-proven browser with history and future.
Weird a bit, that the VPN add-ins can not work at the same time.Mobile version is not that fast.Stricter website filtering, based on reports should be made, with the freedom of visiting them on your own consent.
- Secteur d'activité : Santé, bien-être et fitness
- Taille de l'entreprise : 1 001–5 000 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
The best browser ever
It loads very difficult to load pages, whcih other browser cannot open
There is no negative point about this software
- Secteur d'activité : Gestion de l'enseignement
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
great browser, period
all OK
love the layout, the UI, speed and fluidity
all OK, there is not a thing that I dislike

- Secteur d'activité : Automobile
- Taille de l'entreprise : 201–500 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Velha Raposa
E software de fácil utilização e compreensão de como utilizar
Deveria diminuir a utilização de CPU e poder saltar de abas utilizando o Alt Tab.
- Secteur d'activité : Art/artisanat
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Firefox Review
Overall, Firefox is a secure, reliable, and customizable web browser, making it one of the best options for anyone who values their online privacy and wants to take control of their internet experience. From my own experience, I can attest that Firefox is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to make their web browsing experience safe and enjoyable.
I was pleased with the program's performance after using it myself for the past year. The program offers you a plethora of features and is very user-friendly. You can customize your home screen and interface by changing the backgrounds and other elements. I have concluded that it is a trustworthy and simple web browser.After using it myself, I found that it's a fantastic tool for personalizing my home screen's appearance and feel as well as ensuring a secure browsing experience. Additionally, it has extra security features that shield users from malicious websites and other online threats, as well as block unwanted pop-ups and advertisements.I believe that anyone who wants to surf the web securely without consuming a lot of their RAM should use Firefox. Furthermore, Firefox has a wide selection of extensions and add-ons that allow users to customize their browsing experience in whatever way they desire.
Although I have been pleased with Firefox's performance and reliability, there are a few areas where the browser can be improved. I wish Firefox was more aesthetically pleasing compared to its counterparts and provided a wider range of add-ons and extensions for a more personalized browsing experience, but the number and variety of options available are already impressive.

- Secteur d'activité : Internet
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
En general muy buena la he utilizado por mucho tiempo brindándome seguridad a la hora de navegar.
Lo fácil de trabajar con el y la seguridad que le brinda al usuario.
Compatibilidad con algunas sitios webs que se solucionan con actualizaciones más a menudo.
- Secteur d'activité : Impression
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
An effective search software
In general it is a good software, besides being of a well-known brand, easy to use, the only negative point would be sometimes it crashes.
Something I really like about firefox is that it offers protection against various types of social media trackers and cookies, as well as being quite effective against cryptominers.
A positive point is also that its interface has large icons.
What I like least about firefox is it often crashes, and the slowness sometimes.
Alternatives envisagées
BravePourquoi choisir Firefox
By firefox to be more secure.Logiciel antérieur
Microsoft EdgePourquoi passer à Firefox
I became more familiar with the firefox interface, as well as being more secure.
- Secteur d'activité : Transport routier/ferroviaire
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les mois pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Mozilla Firefox un excelente navegador pero que la gente ha dejado de usar.
Cuándo tengo un equipo con poco espacio o poca RAM, suelo usar mozilla firefox, porque Google Chrome es un navegador pesado, mozilla firefox consume bastante menos recursos y mucho menos RAM y mucho menos CPU.
El navegador es muy seguro muy práctico no pesa demasiado ofrece muchas características, pero desgraciadamente mucha gente ha dejado usarlo porque Chrome se ha posicionado como el número uno y es muy difícil que ese cambio se revierta.Incluso yo mismo usaba este navegador y lo cambié para usar Google Chrome, ya últimamente hace muchos años que deje de utilizar lo y sinceramente tampoco lo extraño demasiado.Aunque debo decir que fui un usuario muy aferrado al uso de este navegador pero con el tiempo me fui adaptando a Chrome, y además al venir instalado cómo navegador principal los equipos Android prácticamente nadie descarga firefox y lo pone como navegador predeterminado.
Los desarrolladores de mozilla firefox deberían tratar de ingeniarse para poder competir con el navegador número 1 qué es Google Chrome inventando alguna interfaz o algo para atraer de nuevo a los clientes o a los usuarios de este navegador tan espectacular qué es mozilla firefox
Alternatives envisagées
Google ChromePourquoi passer à Firefox
Mi primer navegador a través de la web fue firefox, pero con el tiempo me adapté a la competencia.- Secteur d'activité : Services juridiques
- Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Refreshing every online conversations beyond comparisons
There must always be one web browser I can never forget. Everyday I like firefox more than an application but as one of us never forgettable.
I have been using Firefox from the day it was launched. It has unmatched utility more than an web browser. Every feature can be enhanced with addons extremely popular for secure erasable online history. I can visit any websites with incognition mode for safer web experience. There is lot more added with every new updates. Firefox has always maintained what every e-citizen can ever expect for their daily online surfing with secure reliable time-saving credentials. Now I can carry my login details everywhere without worrying about theft or such uncertainties. It has everything well-established for online web browsing for the new era ahead.
If firefox can give every user more points as their e-wallet when they experiment new features with mutual benefits, that can support their experience for contributing more and helping them financially. There is a rethinking when I can have one universal profile that is never expected to be compromised while using firefox in a public space. I am well satisfied and happy that they do everything for non-profit grants. Firefox must also integrate an offline rss/atom reader with new expectations for online users.

- Secteur d'activité : Divertissement
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Firefox, one of the best and most popular web browsers
One of the best all around web browser, we have been using it for over 10 years at our business, it's always up to date with the latest tech requirements.
First of all Firefox is free and has many good options and also allows ether their own additions or other third party additions to be installed. There are a wide variety of additional options available for Firefox. We use Firefox at our business for over 10 years, it's easy to install and setup, provides fast browsing and very customizable with many options.
Sometimes managing additions can be confusing as some are called 'containers' and some as 'extensions'.
Alternatives envisagées
Google ChromePourquoi passer à Firefox
Firefox just seemed a more straight forward browser, easy to use.
- Secteur d'activité : Ressources humaines
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
My one and only browser from its birth
I like the consistent care and attention to security and privacy issues. I understand it's a strong point of the brand. I can perceive it in several practical ways. For instance, the actions to inform and create a growing awareness of the end-users are priceless. Firefox is always one step ahead. When I received the news about the "Firefox Monitor" existence, I spread it everywhere because I found it invaluable.
The enterprises I collaborate with sometimes ask me to use different browsers because their systems or platforms (for whatever purposes) are not optimized for Firefox. It's a bit annoying because I prefer not to use other browsers. Really. I set all my passwords and preferences in Firefox.
- Secteur d'activité : Marketing et publicité
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Firefox To More Fireworks
There are cases when I cannot easily access other browsers which are prescribed on required tasks, but Firefox solved it for me. When installing this browser it resolves more on my capacity to work with projects. I fondly love it and coherently answering some technicality issues. Through these, I would highly to my friends and other interested users.
It is like a fireworks,it fires and flickers software. I'm using the free version on this software. This software is my main usable platform when in terms of browser. I like the fact that I can easily use this ever since internet came to our place. It is more friendly and trustworthy. I love it because it is more dependable when in terms of technical problem to my computer. In addition to that, there are sites that Firefox will allow of not to enter its system. Not secure sites are prohibited then and early detection of unsafe sites are appreciated. Momentarily, I'm still using it today.
Not of much a qualm on this platform but the fact that it has its paid version. As of this time, I am not availing it yet. There might be upgraded level to it and more features then. I don't have negative feedback on this site up to this very moment.
- Secteur d'activité : Médias en ligne
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
The most secure browser today!
Firefox is a browser that has been evolving more and more and its developers have been striving to deliver a fast, secure, stable browser and that's great! Firefox is one of the top browsers on the market that takes privacy seriously. I feel very safe using the browser for my daily activities and banking. There are details that need to be improved, but I'm sure the developers will be working to keep evolving the browser more and more and meeting our users' needs. For my part, I recommend the browser and I believe that it will grow, evolve and accompany us for a long time, meeting our expectations as much as possible.
Firefox is the best browser in terms of security today. The possibility of adding security extensions, the cross-platform support and the privacy offered by it masterfully differentiates it from the others. A browser that doesn't consume a lot of memory, fast, efficient and easy to use! A fresh and clean interface! Wonderful design with beautiful wallpapers to choose from. Syncing with other devices is seamless. It took me a long time to install, I thought it was inferior to other browsers, but I confess that it surprised me! It gives me enormous security to carry out my banking activities and transactions, in addition to being very easy to use, even for users who are not very familiar with the internet!
I really miss the page translation tool, it would make navigation and life easier for users. It also bothers me a lot when I need to open more than one tab and the browser is slow and crashes, requiring me to restart the device and sometimes losing the material I was searching for.
- Secteur d'activité : Restaurants
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
My firefox is one of the best applications like Google
I do all my work on Firefox application my surveys YouTube Facebook Firefox is just as good as Google
I love this application Firefox because it gives you privacy when you're browsing you can also have your own VPN inside Firefox it's built-in and Firefox box ads and when you're browsing any web have your own privacy and it's a built-in browser that protects a computer on the outside like everything that happens inside Firefox stays inside Firefox because Firefox gives you more privacy
I love the software because it's amazing it's fast you can browse any browser on Firefox it has so many built-in features
- Secteur d'activité : Enseignement supérieur
- Taille de l'entreprise : 1 001–5 000 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Every thing else is chrome, Firefox is ther last independent browser
Several years ago, I began using Firefox to solve RAM consumption concerns with Chrome. I was, and I am still fully satisfied by the development of Firefox.
With the native container plugin, I can now compartmentalize my internet activities in a single browser.
The extensions catalogue, the performance is unsurpassed by any other browser, and it can be customized at will.
Without having to make any arrangements, personal data is protected via a tracker and a digital fingerprint blocker.
The VPN and Relay services are pointless; I want more narrow, long-lasting services.
And browsers like Vivaldi have out-of-date tab management.

- Secteur d'activité : Design
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Secured browsing with Firefox
With this software I've been able to surf the internet securely and with ease.
What I like most any this software is that it secures my personal information and it's has a fast browsing speed. With easy accessibility.
What I like list about this software is that it usually want to get updated too frequently.

- Secteur d'activité : Génie civil
- Taille de l'entreprise : 501–1 000 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Quite updated to use for personal use.
Mozilla Firefox is one of my favorite browser, I ever used. Smoothness is the key here. It's really very simple to use and is the quickest browser, can able to complete my personal task with passion. They continuously updating their addon stores, somehow I feel like they are behind of chrome in this area. If I forget this factor, they are quite good in other sector. I get total privacy here to use them. Private browsing is very interesting option I used to do here, inorder to complete my task.
Address bar in Firefox is very simple, good for use. Bookmark management is very thoughtful here. I can easily track my footprint by adding them in bookmark section. With the privacy setting I can protect my data here. They continuously updating their addon to compete with other competitor, as a result we can do our normal work in less time. Firefox have updated private browsing option, helps me to check perfectly. In one word I can say, smooth browser with lots off features.
Did not consume much PC ram, so as a result I can use my device with ease
They are focusing on addon stores, it will be better for us, if they added new websites/tools addon. Now a days every one is trying minimize the work time. It could be very effective for all of us.
- Secteur d'activité : Internet
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Firefox, Most Secured And Private Browser I Experienced Ever
Overall experience with the firefox browser is good at all.
The basic purpose of using firefox is my private browsing and downloading files and firefox has never disappointed me in these regards.
If someone will ask me for a good and smooth running browser then definitely I'm going to recommend him to start using of firefox for a good experience. And if you are looking for a good browser too, Then I will recommend you to start using firefox.
I have liked the privacy feature of firefox too much. I have not found the option of blocking social media trackers in any other browser except the firefox. I thought the social media may leaks out our privacy and may lead us to huge problems, that's why I always use a standard layer of firefox privacy to avoid of any problem.
Moreover address bar is so awesome and cool. Address bar always indicates me , the site I'm using , whether that is secure or not. There is always an option of lock. If the lock icon is appearing on a site, then it means that the connection is secure and we are safe otherwise we should be careful while using an unsecured site.
Moreover, I have liked the extension feature of firefox too much, Currently, I have added 7 extensions to firefox but I may add as many third-party extensions as I want. Firefox always alerts me about the extension I'm going to add, That whether it is trusted or not. I can look for an alternative if the extension is not trusted.
The securing protection of firefox is too much strong than all other browsers, and this is the main why the firefox is my favorite at all.
Of course, there is nothing that I have not enjoyed in firefox. This browser is one of my favorite for browsing and for downloading purposes too. I use to stream too much video with firefox on Facebook and firefox never crashed or it has never run into any other problem.
The main feature behind choosing a browser is browsing speed and downloading speed. And Firefox is good on all these. We can download as many files as much we want, and the internet will depend on internet speed. we can pin our favorite browsing site for later use and it will be added to the bookmarks tab or we can create a separate folder on the bookmark with our favorite browsing sites.
I'm going to rate firefox 10/10 because I have not experienced any issue in firefox.

- Secteur d'activité : Services et technologies de l'information
- Taille de l'entreprise : 201–500 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Firefox, Fast, Free and Reliable
I switched to Firefox years ago when other browser responses proofed to be much slower. Firefox seemed, to me at least, to have a better handle on running the necessary site and security checks while keeping the response times acceptable. To this day I can still see a significant difference between browser response times and am sticking with Firefox for that reason.
The only suggestion I have is that any and all private browsing sessions should automatically be closed when Firefox is closed.
- Secteur d'activité : Transport routier/ferroviaire
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
My go to browser
I think the fact that I work off multiple windows and tabs at the same time stresses most browsers to the limit. In my experience firefox has not let me down and I feel it is secure.
I feel safe with Firefox. Mostly because I have used it for years without any incident. I have never had any security issues associated with firefox. Also I have found it to be more stable & versatile than internet explorer. It is fast and not glitchy and safe. I cant really ask for more than that. Firefox also works really well with the google platform. I work off google calendar, google drive, sheets all the time and I find that it works really well without glitches.
Keywords are remembered and will autofill addresses. Downloads are fast and can be seen downloading at the top. The google drive that I am using will be remembered AND I can use 2 different google drives in 2 tabs without issues. Though you can do this on Chrome too.
You can print from Firefox and send to email etc. Honestly, I can not think of anytime where I have thought I wish I could do such and such, they seem to have thought of everything.
When your computer re-starts it will reopen all the previous tabs automatically if you ask it to restore previous session. This is great, because if the mac turns off for whatever reason at least I can open everything up quickly without having to remember what I opened. The history feature is very comprehensive. Firefox will tell you when it needs to restart to update. Always a handy feature.
From what I can tell, Google chrome has come a long over the years and is a good rival for firefox. If anything I would say it was on par. Interestingly on a desktop / laptop I always use firefox, but on a samsung phone I will use the samsung internet, which I believe to be essentially functions like a faster, safer version of firefox. I just didnt feel that firefox on samsung was as smooth running as Samsung internet (which also has some pretty amazing features too). Does Firefox crash? Yes it does, though I would not say it was glitchy.
- Secteur d'activité : Internet
- Taille de l'entreprise : 51–200 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Great privacy and open-source browser alternative to the market leader
Firefox is a great browser for people who prioritize privacy and isn't behind its competitors in any way. It offers great experience overall (tab management, history and bookmarks, etc.) and was a great browsing companion through the years.
I eventually replaced it for an alternative more focused on privacy and ad blocking, but would reccomend it to anyone.
Firefox offers a quick, secure and more privacy-savy alternative to the market leader. It has great design overall and allows the user to better opt out of being tracked all the time.
Firefox doesn't offer privacy and ad blocking as a default, requiring the user to get some extensions and extra steps of configuration. It also works better when signed up on the browser with a Firefox account, which I am not a fan of.
Firefox is also less crypto-friendly than some of its competitors

- Secteur d'activité : Génie civil
- Taille de l'entreprise : 201–500 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Good for Browsing able to do all my work with perfection.
I started using Mozilla firefox around 4 years back, from then it provides me with a lag-free experience, since then they continuously improving themselves to satisfy our needs. Recently all the software introducing their addon to make easy user experience so that we can easily use that software in low time we get our result. Google chrome kind of go ahead of mozila firefox in this development.
Mozilla Firefox provides a quick reflex lag-free experience, but I feel like I cannot complete all my work with firefox, since they have lagging of development, but as a supportive software, I am using Firefox daily. If they introduce more addon, I will easily convert myself fulltime Firefox user.
Mozilla Firefox uses less memory during browsing, perform without lagging maximum times. Provide good bookmarking abilities to users, I can easily record my digital footprints anytime using that. have a variety o addon available. I can easily sync my saved data from another computer (like this feature very much). Save data never lost.
Many addons missing( compared to chrome they need to develop more addons, it may increase user experience). sometimes I feel like, during the use of some addon, FIrefox crashes, it restarts after crashing, need to fix this up. Moreover, they need to focus on the Mobile app to stay in the market.