Tous les avis sur Sellsy Appliquer les filtres
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Tous les avis sur Sellsy Appliquer les filtres
- Secteur d'activité : Conseil en gestion
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Une aide précieuse pour structurer la gestion Prospects et Clients
Cet outils simple d'utilisation aide à bien structurer la gestion de ses prospects et clients. Les fonctionnalités sont paramétrables facilement pour coller à mon activité.
manque l'intégration avec le calendrier par exemple google agenda.
Réponse de Sellsy
Nous sommes ravis de vous accompagner à mieux structurer la gestion de vos prospects et clients avec Sellsy.
L'agenda Sellsy se connecte avec Google Agenda. Je vous encourage à contacter notre équipe Support si vous avez des difficultés lors de la synchronisation.
Bonne journée, les équipes Sellsy
- Secteur d'activité : Services et technologies de l'information
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Simplicité, efficacité, petit budget !
Un CRM très simple d'utilisation, très performant, efficace et surtout à petit prix ! Bravo !
Une version mobile nouvellement mise à jour qui mérite quelques fonctionnalités complémentaires
Réponse de Sellsy
Bonjour Matthieu,
Merci pour ce retour d'expérience si positif !
Nous serions ravis de recevoir vos retours sur l'application mobile, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part en direct.
Au plaisir de rester à vos côtés.
L'équipe Sellsy
- Secteur d'activité : Logiciels
- Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les mois pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Satisfaite de l'outil
Très bien
Le listing des factures, la recherche de clients/documents, le nouveau design qui est sympa
Ne pas pouvoir copier coller le lien de la facture directement (parfois, le titre de facture s'affiche en texte sans lien, ce serait pratique de systématiquement afficher le titre de facture avec le lien dedans, pour copier coller pour mon reporting)
Réponse de Sellsy
Bonjour Capucine,
Merci pour votre avis sur la suite CRM Sellsy. Nous communiquons votre suggestion à nos équipes produit.
Bonne journée à vous !
- Secteur d'activité : Internet
- Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
La prise en main, l'interface est agréable
Le fait que tout les contacts ne soit pas rassembler
Réponse de Sellsy
Bonjour Ethan,
Merci pour votre retour. Je vous invite à revenir vers nos équipes support avec plus de détail sur le point d'amélioration évoqué.
Merci, et bonne journée
- Secteur d'activité : Génie civil
- Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les mois pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
produit simple efficace , intuitif mais peut être amélioré
assez technique à certains égard. nécessite formation
Réponse de Sellsy
Bonjour Guillaume,
Merci pour vos retours envers nos services.
Nous proposons des formations videos gratuites en ligne sur notre Sellsy Academy. Vous avez egalement a votre disposition une FAQ tres detaillee, afin de vous accompagner au quotidien. Si ce n'est pas suffisant, ou lors d'une question plus technique, nos equipes supports se tiennent a votre entiere disposition pour vous fournir une reponse rapide.
Par ailleurs, des formations certifiees sont accessibles, financables par vos OPCO.
Nous nous tenons enfin a votre disposition pour continuer a ameliorer Sellsy, et sommes preneurs de vos retours.
Bonne journee a vous,
L'equipe Sellsy.
- Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Trade in 1 currency then it will be good for you. Number 1 if you are French...Sellsy has...
If you are looking for 1 application that will be your company central repository for storing and managing all incoming and outgoing email from clients, prospects, opportunities, support cases, multi currency purchase orders, invoices, quotes, expense tracking, inventory management and marketing then sellsy able to perform all of the above in the integrated manner provided you only work in 1 currency. If you are French or based in France then this is 100% best product for you.
On paper Sellsy markets itself as the complete all in one business platform however it fails in a few key areas for any business working internationally 1 is specific to multi currency. The issue is that while products/services in sellsy support multi currency selling prices they do not support multicurrency auto conversion on purchase orders. This renders the entire sales and purchasing part of their platform as a failure to us. This also kills the margins calculator on invoices. Their work around is we should manually type the price of each item in relevant currency in purchase orders to make it work. Yes that means back to excel.....the very thing we want to stop using and are paying extra for! To be fair this is not unique to Sellsy! The vast majority of other platform providers for SME fail on this. Even XERO, Quickbooks etc which are full accountancy systems who claim multi currency don't do this basic but VERY important task for internationally trading businesses who require true full purchasing and invoicing in multi currency.
Overall sellsy works well and is a stable platform. Nice UI and we never experienced any downtime with the product. Anything I have not criticized in detail below can be considered to work perfectly or has not been tested by us. Sellsy commented on my review almost demanding that I should write about what is great? For the record any sellsy feature I do not mention the cons section below should be considered as on par with competition or better. I am not here to promote sellsy nor am i getting paid for my review.
Sellsy marketing should do their job better and be thankful of users who take time out to tell them what needs to be improved in their offering instead of criticising reviewers.
Over all the advertised google apps integrations are a joke. Compared to the competition (most of whom have proper google synchronisation) the sellsy google integration should be considered as BETA at most. You wont find any documentation on how it works on their FAQ or Help site. Infact I personally consider their use of the word synchronisation in google to be misleading. They should just call it basic integration because in reality it is nothing more than that. More details below about my experience to date.
GOOGLE CONTACT SYNC: This is not a real contact sync. All sellsy does is periodically send a copy of your sellsy contact data into google. There is ZERO synchronisation going on. (We are a paying customer and it doesn't even work for us in basic mode). They claim they will fix it and its unique to our account) If you have any issue with contact sync in sellsy the help site recommends you remove the google sync app and restart. When performing this sellsy leaves all the previous contacts data sitting in each of your employee's google accounts! It doesn't perform ANY tidy up or removal of data it created. Reconnecting the app in sellsy then goes ahead and makes a whole new set of contacts thus creating duplicates in the hundreds and thousands if you have a large database because the current app does not manage any of the information it sends (not syncs) to google. Potentially a huge massive headache for any admin expecting sellsy to centrally manage business contacts within a company that uses google apps for business. Example: When any employee is removed from the google contact sync Sellsy will not delete its data from the connected google account. This leaves a full copy sitting with the employee who can then do whatever they want with the data.
GOOGLE CALENDAR SYNC: Want create a meeting in sellsy with a contact from your crm and have it sync with your google calendar? Not possible with sellsy. Simply forget about using the sellsy calendar as a meaningful way to track your meetings and events via google. You can view your google calendar events in sellsy but not edit them because there is NO SYNC
EMAIL: Severely limited due to 1 small but very significant issue. Their email client cannot be used as a traditional email client due to the way they handle email attachments. Example: You attach a file called brochure.pdf from your computer to an email and send to a lead. Next you create a new email for a new lead and when you try to attach the brochure.pdf from your computer sellsy will throw up an error saying file already exists! This means that because sellsy has already sent this file in a previous email it cannot be attached again from your computer because it already exists in sellsy! This would be ok if you could open your sellsy docs and search through your folders to attach with the email client but you cannot! When viewing emails in sellsy email page there is no autorefresh to check for new mails. Also there is no button to click on to force check for new mails.
GOOGLE DRIVE SYNC: This again is not a real sync process. If you thought that sellsy could be used as a central store for business documents that will sync with google drive and or dropbox then you are going to be very disappointed. Sellsy does not sync or even copy your documents / folder structures stored within sellsy to google drive or dropbox. It is strictly limited to creating copies of invoices and purchase orders (Accounts files) as they get created in sellsy. Again no synching here all you get is a sellsy folder full of pdfs with document numbers for names and easy way to reference them. Once an item is pushed from sellsy to google drive it is up to the user to take care of everything else. Remove a doc in sellsy....then you are left to clean up the rubbish in your google drive account. This of course then multiplies based on how many users there are in your company. What adds more to the frustration is that sellsy offers unlimited file storage but I dont see how any company could properly make use of it.
USER INTERFACE: Lots of little items still appear in french. Whole sections of the CONTACTS filter interface are dedicated to french companies and their specific registration numbers. Which is great if you are a french company doing business in France. Very confusing and annoying for international users. Update: Sellsy fixed a lot of the french items but then as new features started to appear the french started to reappear in the english version of the site. And to add insult to injury the update blog in english is update often months after the update is posted in French on their French website. If you want to keep up to date with new feature you better get used to google translate.
UNWANTED PROMOTION / ADVERTISING WITHIN THE APP: A big promote sellsy button is on the main menu that your employees cannot ignore and IT asks your employees to promote sellsy to all their contacts! Even worse is there is no way to turn this off! What business owner or manager wants his or her employees pushing sellsy as a product to their customers when they should be doing their job. This is totally unacceptable as a forced item in a paid premium subscription and should have the option to be turned off. This promote sellsy button is acceptable in a trial or in a freemium model. It should be noted however that sellsy does have an excellent referral program and I am sure many small IT consultancy type businesses can get their sellsy cost covered by taking advantage of referral program. But for most other types of businesses I am sure the majority will be in agreement we want the option to stop sellsy from shoving itself down our throats while we paying for the privilege.
PURCHASING AND MARGINS MODULE: Sellsy claims full multi currency support but it fact it doesn't. You can create sell prices in any currency for any product in sellsy however you cannot set the buy price for products or services outside the currency set as default in your account. When you buy a product in USD and sell in euro sellsy doesn't put any product price data in purchase orders. You have to manually do it for each individual item. In this situation sellsy actually creates a boat load of work for any user trying to create purchase orders for suppliers. Because humans have to manually input the purchase price for each item on a PO there is huge potential for human error.
DATA IMPORT: This is super complicated compared to the competition. Custom fields cannot be imported with companies at the same time. Contacts and their respective customer fields also cannot be imported in the same file. Addresses must be then imported separately. Another example of sellsy creating a large amount of work to simply get your CSV data loaded in. The data import does not auto capitalise surnames upon import. This creates a confusing visual mess of your list data because any contact edited or created within sellsy automatically puts the surname in full capitals. The same issue exists on mobile app.
CRM: When viewing a prospect or client it doesn't show if any opportunities are linked. You have to open the opportunities list in the CRM app to find this important information. This is because they charge extra to manage opportunities.
OFFICE 365 INTEGRATION: No contact sync, no calendar sync, no ondrive sync.
MOBILE APP: Does not work in offline mode. No way to view emails linked to an item in sellsy.
SUPPORT: Support is only provided during USA business hours? But Sellsy is based in France? Companies who want the english version of sellsy that reside in Europe Middle East & Africa should not be subjected to having to stay awake late at night to receive support of a product made in Europe. My experience with support is that they are reasonably fast to fix small things. Quality control over items released into production however is not so hot. Items we had to ask to be fixed should not be left to customers to highlight. An example being correct of basic items in english being presented in French.
GMAIL WIDGET: Solves 50% of a problem and creates a problem. With the widget you can create a contact or prospect with an email inside your gmail BUT you cannot link that email to the contact you just created. If you open the email in sellsy it wont be connected with anything because you created the contact AFTER the email arrived. Then if you are in sellsy and you have assigned the email to an opportunity and you want to use sellsy to send an email to the contact (to track it) you find you cannot send the email because the file you want to attach due to file name already existing somewhere on sellsy. See where i am going here?
I mentioned before that the more I interacted with this company and highlighted issues the more of an attitude they developed. Perhaps my words in english which btw I consider to be constructive critic was taken as a personal attack on the company. Which is not the case. I am here to provide my personal view on my experience with this product.
All the of items like lookup for french companies cannot be removed from the interface. Yet another distraction for international users.
- Secteur d'activité : Design
- Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les mois pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Easy to Use software
Super easy to use, lot of function.
I'm mostly using the invoicing module. I'm processing around 50 invoices on a monthly basis and it's a great tool !
Also I managed to connect it to my cashflow software which is a super helpful with my forecasting duty.
Nothing to complain with my utilisation.
Réponse de Sellsy
Bonjour Gauthier, merci d'avoir partagé votre expérience avec Sellsy. Nous sommes ravis de vous accompagner pour simplifier votre facturation, et gestion financière ! Nos équipes se tiennent à votre disposition. Bonne journée
- Secteur d'activité : Services et technologies de l'information
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Too different from marketing presentation
When you begin to use it, seems to be easy and friendly, but in daily use, missing capabilities arrise ..
And some evident functionalities are missing/not working
Quite easy to use, collaboration is useful, fits about 75% of our needs
Poor support (chat only), no new functionality in 2 years, many daily problems never solved
Alternatives envisagées
AxonautPourquoi choisir Sellsy
Incwo was quite complex to use in daily base and support was also poorLogiciel antérieur
incwoPourquoi passer à Sellsy
Axonaut lacks evident functionalities (like team calendar), I mean the function exists, but it's limitations make it uselessRéponse de Sellsy
Bonjour Pierre, merci d'avoir partagé votre retour sur Sellsy. Nous sommes actuellement en train d'échanger avec nos équipes produit pour résoudre les points évoqués.Nous reviendrons vers vous à ce sujet. A bientôt, les équipes Sellsy
- Taille de l'entreprise : 501–1 000 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Best CRM I've used.
It is definitely an all in one software that does everything I need it to. It is easy to use and intuitive. It's got great stats and analytics. It helps our sales and marketing team significantly. Highly recommend it. Great customer service too.
I remember wanting it to have another feature or two, but I can't even remember what they were any more.
- Secteur d'activité : Internet
- Taille de l'entreprise : 51–200 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Sellsy is a brilliant CRM
My last company used Sellsy, and I didn't fully realize how great Sellsy was until I went to my new company which uses another CRM. Sellsy is WAY more complete, does way more things, and the email marketing is much more user-friendly. You can do everything with no code involved.
There's nothing bad I have to say about Sellsy. However, I do know that it is a niche product and it fits best for companies that want to use a wide variety of features.
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Sellsy is not what it was. Look at the competition.
Hello everyone.
I rarely take the time to give my opinion on the solutions that I use, but then I had to do it.
Sellsy user for 3/4 years, I could follow the development of this tool. At first it was good (Invokit) startup atmosphere, interesting developments for a price of € 22 / month if settlement in the year if it was 24/25 I think. At the time, we could connect PrestaShop to Sellsy it was great.
Then Sellsy changed direction and wanted to be a tool for big companies, dropping all SMBs that used the solution and that had enabled Sellsy to be what it is now.
Sellsy became simply a money machine that even the commercial struggle to sell ...
As we go along, Sellsy took these customers in "hostage". Take for example the solution PrestaShop. When Sellsy developed a module "website" for online sales. It was bye bye the PrestaShop integration, now use our solution (worthy of a 1and1) and you pay +++. 40/50 € / month I think.
Then, the price of the solution itself has increased progressively. Increasing this 2016 is really not over.
Imagine a solution from 264 € HT / month, then 700 € HT / month with the addition of some modules and in 2016 I spend 700 € to 1500 € for the same thing.
And on top of that, remove the option to pay monthly, you get a good hostage clients who turns into a revolt.
The community manager at Sellsy has done its work, and the beginning of August, he removed the dozens of bad customer reviews on the Facebook page.
I invite you to look at other uncensored by Sellsy sites. Following a message left on the Facebook page of Sellsy I was contacted by many users in the same situation. Several people who have monthly pay them only a few days to leave or pay the amount in the year. Imagine the data to transfer, etc ...
The commercial have admitted the situation and that it was a management decision they apply.
I am aware of the situation because I was sponsoring people who are no longer on Sellsy since this year I met a Sellsy independent sales manager which now offers other solutions.
I quote another opinion from a user on another site: "The good news is that it allowed us to make us realize that there are solutions with more features for a price divided by 2 (vs. the old price!). in short, a blessing in disguise. If you need a billing tool, look at the side of Incwo,, quickbooks or manager oscar ... "
- Functions
- Responsive
- Price
- Customer service
- Secteur d'activité : Comptabilité
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Manage customers being an accountant
Generally the software is recommended for any good accountant
Easy to use especially the automatic part of the software is really powerful
Not really, despite the multiple functions of the software
Réponse de Sellsy
Merci pour votre retour sur Sellsy. Nous sommes heureux d'apprendre que vous êtes satisfait de Sellsy en tant qu'expert-comptable. Bonne journée à vous, les équipes Sellsy
- Secteur d'activité : Philanthropie
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Best sales CRM my team has used
I have to mention the customer relations team first as they have been incredibly helpful and response. Overall a fantastically made software that is designed well and delivers solid results.
At the moment I can’t think of a single con, nothing but good experiences with this product and would recommend to anyone!
- Secteur d'activité : Conseil en gestion
Provenance de l'avis
Exactly what my business needed!
When I first started my business in 2014, I had a very specific need. I honestly tried several platforms before I found Sellsy, including Salesforce and others, and nothing worked as well as Sellsy. Its intuitive, and offers a growing selection of solutions that help my business look and operate professionally. It also offers the kind of power that allows me to send quotes quickly and respond to my clients and prospects before my competition can make a move. I'm a big fan of this website and really do recommend it highly.
Sometimes the additional features take time to really learn, but I figure, that's to be expected.
- Secteur d'activité : Services et technologies de l'information
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Not instinctive
The invoicing management works well;
European company
Managing leads and sales pipeline is not instinctive, sales people tend to get confused and don't enter the information in the right place (or "forget" to do it because it takes too long)
Réponse de Sellsy
Hello Ludovic and thank you for your feedback. Some settings can save your team precious time on this module. Our support teams can help you to better understand these tools. You can also consult our Sellsy Academy, which offers short videos to help you gain skills on Sellsy. There are also resources available on our FAQ page ( Finally, you can choose to call on our team of consultants to train your teams in the use of Sellsy and the necessary settings. Our support team remains at your disposal to assist you with Sellsy. Have a nice day!
- Secteur d'activité : Marketing et publicité
- Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Sellsy: recomendado
El envio de facturas y registro de pagos es muy facil. El descargar archivos para reporting tambien es algo que se aprecia mucho
la facilidad del envio de facturas y exportacion de datos en csv o pdf..
Que en muchas ocasiones deja de funcionar el envio de pdf adjuntos y eso ocasiona muchos problemas con los clientes ya que nos damos cuenta del problema hasta que un cliente nos lo indica
Réponse de Sellsy
Thank you for your positive feedback. We are glad to hear that you enjoy using Sellsy. We have taken note of the point of improvement that you have raised. I suggest that you contact our support team as soon as the issue arises. They are always available to find a solution. Have a nice day!
Provenance de l'avis
- Secteur d'activité : Internet
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
Provenance de l'avis
- Secteur d'activité : Fabrication électrique/électronique
- Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Full of bugs and bad customer service
We have been reporting a lot of bugs in the software. Some of them in basic functions like importing prices from a CSV file. The issues have not been solved, instead, the customer service just stops responding to emails. Also 99 out of 100 times you are not able to get help in English when calling customer service.
Just the right features that we need in our business.
The features do not work properly. Bugs are not being fixed.
- Secteur d'activité : Services et technologies de l'information
Provenance de l'avis
- Secteur d'activité : Équipement et fournitures de bureau
Provenance de l'avis
- Secteur d'activité : Services et technologies de l'information
- Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
Provenance de l'avis
- Secteur d'activité : Marketing et publicité
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
Provenance de l'avis
Provenance de l'avis
Easy to use and reliable
We use only Webapp and Cloud Software. Sellsy cover 100% of our needs without requiring a classical software.
Updates are frequent.
Easy to use
Google Drive and Dropbox compatibility
the latest features are out
of the scope of our needs (Pipeline, Chat, ...)
They have critical data on their servers (invoices).
Provenance de l'avis
Just great.
We use their service since the inception of our company. Reactivity and excellent services are technologically advanced. Their website is really excellent. Our network will include hundreds of negotiators also because they are technically excellent, we chose. All our billing was given to sellsy. Cedric LARZUL. CEO YOUIMMO FRANCE
Provenance de l'avis
Sellsy is very efficient, save cost and time using Sellsy.
User friendly interface, lots of interresting features.
User interface
frequent updates with improvementsQuick review of the Invoice/offers/oreders with efficient filters
needs a fast internet connection
Provenance de l'avis
Great online / SaaS accounting software
Before finding Sellsy we used to have a hard time drafting quotes, sending invoices and keeping track of all the accountancy at our firm.
Now with Sellsy integrated system and addons, we can easily manage our finance and keep track of where the money is at all times.
Provenance de l'avis
Provenance de l'avis
The best !
Very good site to manage their accounts and issue invoices, estimates, in a few clicks! In addition to performance, support is very professional. I recommend this solution by far, for me, the best.
Provenance de l'avis
Great app and SAAS company
I've been using for quite a while various CRM and sales services for SMBs for a while.
For once, I did find a useful, intuitive app that fit my needs.
Great job guy, you deserve it.
Provenance de l'avis
Great tool for corporations
I am using Sellsy for my company and I have to say it is great. Very Simple, ergonomic and efficient.
Hope they will be recognized as much as they deserve for this software
Provenance de l'avis
Useful tool !
I like it a lot for my company : easy, powerful and really useful, it's must have !
- simple
- efficient
- Complete
At the moment, everything is fine !
Provenance de l'avis
Great and Useful App
We use Sellsy for our company and we are 100% satisfied. Simple and intuitive we save time and we appreciate that. We strongly recommend.
Provenance de l'avis
my best wizard
I use Sellsy for several months and it's complete.
I don't need other tools for daily management.
I recommend it!
Provenance de l'avis
Comprehensive and ergonomic
Using this app for 3 yrs +
We're very satisfied by the service and customer care from Sellsy. Good job guys !
Provenance de l'avis
Cool and easy
I discover so easy and cool.
very dedicated for designers and architects
Provenance de l'avis
Great application
Great application to manage my company.
Lot of useful updates, really easy to use.
What else?
Provenance de l'avis
Perfect tool
Yammer and Capsule CRM in the same tool.
Clear, Quick and usefull.
Iphone app.
Provenance de l'avis
Best CRM and Inventory management.
Nice and rich layout. Great features.