En savoir plus sur AppSheet
AppSheet - Prix
AppSheet est disponible en version gratuite et propose un essai gratuit. La version payante de AppSheet est disponible à partir de 5,00 $US/mois.
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AppSheet - Avis
Évaluation des fonctionnalités
Tous les avis sur AppSheet
- Secteur d'activité : Aviation et industrie aéronautique
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Appsheet facile à utiliser
Le développement modulaire faciles et intégrés
Certaines fonctionnalités sont payable,
- Secteur d'activité : Matériaux de construction
- Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les mois pendant Essai gratuit
Provenance de l'avis
Logiciel de gestion
C'est un logiciel qui permet partout. il s'occupe de la numérisation du fonctionnement et de l'organisation dans une entreprise.on peut créer des applications à partir de ses propres données. C'est un développeur.
Aucun inconvénient trouvé à ce logiciel. Il peut être utile dans les entreprises.
- Secteur d'activité : Design
- Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les mois pendant Essai gratuit
Provenance de l'avis
Logiciel de création d'applications
Ce logiciel est une merveille. Il est très pratique et facile à utiliser.
L'inconvénient que j'ai trouvé est que ses fonctionnalités sont limitées.
- Secteur d'activité : Télécommunications
- Taille de l'entreprise : 51–200 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
A paper plane that will take you far away
I could say that this type of tool is one of those that we have to dare to use even when we do not have much training in the area. The results can be extremely good.
I had the opportunity to participate in a tourism project with a partner dedicated to the systems area and the experience with this complement was very good. I think he made the job easier for us during the development of the mobile app.
Even for non-programmers, it can be easy to use. It is based on "Excel" spreadsheets and the data structure is quite simple.
Some of the things that caught our attention are related to its functionalities: It allows you to establish small workflows, it supports GPS, maps. There is the possibility of activating notifications and as if that were not enough, you can access it without a connection.
Another interesting aspect, which also goes hand in hand with the Digital Transformation process, is storage. You can use any Cloud provider. Which gives it a very high value, at least from my point of view.
Personally I see no negative points, I think it is a tool that gives opportunity to professionals who are not from technical areas to learn and create or work on very interesting projects.
- Secteur d'activité : Design
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Mobile application creation
Very good software for all
Creation of mobile application without having enormous knowledge in coding
No problem encountered despite the beginner level
- Secteur d'activité : Immobilier
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Opportunities to advance with technology exist
I have created something new, nobody has seen anything like it before. Without AppSheet offering considerably reasonable fees for Public Apps, my start up would not exist. AppSheet has allowed me the leg up I require to gather and collect an "Aussie Renters community" offering assistance in an area they have been left to struggle in for far too long. I am grateful that AppSheet has allowed me to create my idea into an App, something that would have cost $80,000 to write with a programmer, the only reason why I didn't create this
a decade ago.
The Utube videos and support offered by AppSheet made it possible to create an App the way I wanted it to run.
My App runs on pre-stored data and once my users have selected the questions, a code was presented and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get this code to just populate it's field. The code had to be selected otherwise it did not save. I still don't know how to get 3 of my codes to save without being clicked.
Réponse de AppSheet
Hi Anne, thanks for sharing your feedback with us. We're sorry to hear that you were not able to successfully integrate your data. I'm not quite sure what you mean by you weren't able to get this code to just populate its field, but if you would be willing to screenshot your issue and share it in our Google+ community (https://plus.google.com/communities/117336961081239352051), you should be able to get the help you need.
- Secteur d'activité : Génie civil
- Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Easy yo use
It's much faster and easier to enter data
It is very easy to use. in a few minutes, you create an application
When I had a problem with muy apps, the custom Service didn't a solución form my problem because they couldn't reproduce it. The problem ocurred just entering todo the app
- Secteur d'activité : Réseaux informatiques
- Taille de l'entreprise : 1 001–5 000 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Like a pencil in the hand of an artist.
Creativity and its yours to make.
Just use your imagination and I am sure you can make the tool app you want.
Great features, possibility, fun and ownership.
Ownership is the most important. To develop is like cooking. You know what exactly what kind of ingredient you put into the bowl and that makes it taste so good.
When you know your ingredients, you can explore and test and try until you find something you real love.
When you love it and people love it. Then it will be like a michelin stars.
Its easy to use when you have learned the basic and then you can start to create useful apps, until then you have to read and look youtube tutorials.
And that its not to hard, you just need to put some effort to it.
- Secteur d'activité : Génie civil
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Great tool for bespoke applications
The ability to create a GUI without any coding whatsoever. Having the ability to work offline and then synchronise is also a great benefit.
Adding logic and some more complex stuff can be tricky. Trying to do simple things (such as changing the UI) is not as simple unless you thoroughly understand the system.
- Secteur d'activité : Événementiel
- Taille de l'entreprise : 51–200 employés
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Very easy to use No code platform
Very easy, very recommended
It's so easy, almost it will do all the work for you, then you meke some adjustments.
For complex projects it's difficult to implement
- Taille de l'entreprise : 51–200 employés
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Just got started with AppSheets and so far it's great!
This online software is way more robust than I imagined. The highlight of using the software is the ability to easily integrate with Google Sheets and many other online data storage software like Dropbox.
I like the preview functionality and the ease of viewing the app on my phone immediately without deploying anything.
I have just been using it a couple of weeks thanks to an online app development course and was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to get something setup in a matter of minutes. I am a software developer, but anyone who has some online savvy and is good with Excel can pick this up very easily!
The one widespread con about this software is that there is a "Share" link to share the app that cannot be removed. It is a known issue and although there is a workaround, it is not pretty.
- Secteur d'activité : Études de marché
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant Essai gratuit
Provenance de l'avis
Simply too early, too slow, too buggy and not mature to even charge for it.
Super slow, full of bugs, pesudo-smart, but in the end, useless.
The concept has the potential to be very interesting.
This software is not even in a proper beta stage.
Simply speaking, too buggy, too simplistic, too slow and definitely not mature enough to even charge for it.
As it is currently it does not add value and its simply a waste of time.
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Very smart tool to create mobile application without code !
Simple to use, a lot of features available and easy to configure. A lot of cloud DB connectors available. Too smart to not use it !
no code ;-) no script ;-) Formulas editor could be improved. Sometimes not so fast, probably due to google spreadsheet
- Secteur d'activité : Équipements publics
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Powerfull platform
The apps,enables non technical user's to create custom business application easly and Quickly
Its great option for businesses looking for to digitize their workflows and improve their productivity
- Secteur d'activité : Réseaux informatiques
- Taille de l'entreprise : 5 001–10 000 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Great Tool to create small apps
I have created about 6 applications with Appsheet. As i kept on developing more apps, the time taken started going down drastically. Since my projects focus more on quick creation over more efficiency, appsheet suits my needs perfectly. as long as i am not creating a complex application, there are no issues with this app.
1. The App runs on any type of database at the backend. It is compatible with SQLs from different cloud platforms and even google sheets.
2. Due to the template support, after a little experience with the appsheet, you can easily create an app under 6 hours.
3. Since this is a mulit-platform tool, it works as both Website and an Android app.
1. The Application is a low-code platform with high level syntax. This makes the application slow to use. If the application complexity increases, the time it takes to finish certain task increases non-linearly.
2. appsheet provides limited customization. which means there is a chance you will run into problems that are just unsolvable with this program.
3. Since this is a web based application, This UI feels a bit less responsive.
- Secteur d'activité : Enseignement supérieur
- Taille de l'entreprise : 1 001–5 000 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'avis
It's a handy tool, though it isn't without flaws
I suggest the Appsheet even though I believe this is a really useful tool for implementing information that is critical to improving productivity. Any form of activity, whether technically or organizationally, can be managed by an enterprise.
It's incredibly simple to make an app without any coding experience. Connections between smart spreadsheets and apps A strategy that is quite intuitive. You can play it for free before you release it, giving you plenty of time to prepare. Add new features on a regular basis. In my opinion, the method by which developers design and showcase apps is what makes them so appealing. The software, as well as the templates and forums, are all extremely self-contained. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's going on. For apps working in a variety of ways, all the necessary app modules are provided.
The synchronization point appears to be an issue, and the identification of calculations and their operations, particularly those that differ from Google Sheets formulas, could need a little more detail. It would be wonderful to have a simple way to manage the play ground environment.
- Secteur d'activité : Logiciels
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les mois pendant 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'avis
AppSheet as a no-code platform
Very nice to have such a "Studio" to build and configure your mobile app. It is suitable for a small number of users.
How easy to create a "Listing" based apps like eCommerce apps. It is a real no-code platform
Two things:1- Managing relations between various tables (lists - objects)2- Pricing is relatively high in case the app number of users is big
Provenance de l'avis
Want to develop mobile apps? Then you hit an exact match!
I have met AppSheet while I was searching the net on how to develop a mobile app from an Excel file. It was a DIY platform, pretty well organized and have some sample apps to show. To be honest, I though that these guys must either be kidding me, or the output is useless on the first sight.
Simply, the platform was an add-on to Google Docs. But after I've started to build an app for myself and began to understand the limits of it, I can proudly express that with only one word: "EXCELLENT". Yeah, it is excellent because:
1.) The platform's limit is your limit. There is no end (up to a certain extent for sure) to what you can do and develop. When you get used to it day by day, you think that you've learned it. However, suddenly, you feel that you are not even close to that idea :) Though I have a programming background and using AppSheet about 8 months, I can gladly say that "I'm still a newbie"...
2.) AppSheet is strong and AppSheet is really future pending. The reason is quite simple: though AppSheet is a small business enterprise, they have a very intimate, strong and professional customer care and management, which you cannot even find it in huge enterprises or corporate companies. We (yes, "we") are like a family in AppSheet from the senior to the junior.
3.) Have you problems with your development? AppSheet moderators, programmers, scripters are always by your side and they do not even skip a tiny message even if it might be silly or irrelevant.
4.) Do you have requests? Do you need features? Provided it's not so far away or not bounded by strict API policies (because of Google), depending on the priority list of the team, sooner or later you will have it. Just be patient and give them some time. Though how you quickly need it or how urgent it might be or how crucial it might be; just remember that they are 'simply' humans...
5.) The platform have a wonderful Community page in Google+ where you have the chance to meet wonderful people from all over the world with different apps, different needs, different requests etc. With this, you will also have the chance to develop your abilities and limits by learning from them. Community owns outstanding moderators who are also exprienced AppSheet developers. Each post is replied with great care and with light speed. This is the place where you feel the warmth of a family, intimacy and you clearly see how everyone cares about you and your problems.
- Taille de l'entreprise : 501–1 000 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'avis
very good tool to create your own mobile application in a matter of seconds for Android and iOS
if you want to have a mobile application for Android and iOS AppSheet is a good tool for that. allows us to create a mobile application quickly and easily from its tools and where it offers us to start testing your application for free.
The good thing about AppSheet is that it is not necessary to know the programming codes to develop our application. We can do it in a simple way and where we can find enough documentation on the web to guide us and build a mobile application.
Although AppSheet offers a lot of tools and ways to develop an app we can find a development limitation and problems that would not be the case if the development were done with code.
- Secteur d'activité : Services et technologies de l'information
- Taille de l'entreprise : 51–200 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Except Google Support, everything is good
Easy to use, even beginners can build functional apps with ease, uses Google Sheet as database, no additional database needed.
Integrating with APIs is challenging and should be made easier.
- Secteur d'activité : Génie civil
- Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'avis
A Review of AppSheet.
The graphic user interface involving toggle buttons and icons are very helpful and increase efficiency in app creation. Overall this great mobile app has saved us a lot of headache. Highly recommended for industry firms that might specialize in keeping track of sales and also the hospitality sector.
AppSheet has been an incredible mobile application. It has helped our company to establish high quality iOS and Android apps. It's helpful that AppSheet can draw information directly from Excel spreadsheets and from items uploaded to Dropbox. The customizable apps generated are gorgeous. Company logos and colors can be as abstract or sleek as imaginable and apps can be updated by the end user. It's great! Lots of support, and fair pricing that is on a per month basis. Nothing shady.
I will say AppSheet takes a bit of time to get through the learning curve. Brand new users might experience some frustration. But after the initial learning period, AppSheet definitely becomes easy.
- Secteur d'activité : E-learning
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
I was looking for a solution and this checked all the boxes.
I was tasked with a specific challenge and after scowering the Internet and testing similar spreadsheet-to-app solutions that were simply frustrating, this platform fit the challenge and allowed me to expand my solution with automation features and other nifty hacks that really made my solution sing.
The learning curve has not been steep for engaging with this platform. I loved how it pulls quickly from Google Sheets and updates /syncs data rapidly.
Pages are difficult to really design as the platform is highly reliant on pulling from the spreadsheet. I would like more flexibility in laying out page views and organizing the menu structures.
- Secteur d'activité : Gestion de l'enseignement
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé Autre pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
AppSheet is a nice way to build custom apps using your google spreadsheet data
Nice interface and features. The app for mobile devices also seemed to work well.
I love that i was able to build a small app for personal use that pulled data from a couple of my google spreadsheets. There were great features that showed that appsheet designers understand the importance of data integrity and included features and settings that could allow someone who wants to try to build an interface for their spreadsheet. i like that there was some syncing features so that you could edit data even when you did not have mobile reception on your smartphone with the app installed.
Like anything of this nature it does require to practice and playing to understand the features. To a complete newbie, they may not understand some of the protections you need to build in in order to protect your spreadsheet data especially when multiple users might edit things, but the settings to do so are in the app. It is also a lot simpler than many other no code options and could be a great way for someone to build some personal data tools to make their life easier.
- Secteur d'activité : Immobilier
- Taille de l'entreprise : 51–200 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Appsheet will help you do more in Sales!
Easy and accurate to trackdown sales and listings for real estate properties that we are selling. Reporting is absolutely executed well. The sales goes up when your client can easily pinpoint at the map where they wanted the location and what are their other options in the area.
Perfect and easy way to develop an app. No programming knowledge necessary. Very comprehensive. Use Google Sheets as yoir database.
Well to really have the best of the appsheet software you have to pay for their subscription plan but if its just for pesonal use you can still use it for free.
- Secteur d'activité : Logiciels
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Quickest way to achieve process efficiency
Appsheet and Google sheet are a great combination of technology that helps to increase productivity and operational efficiency. Once a sheet is created in a spread sheet, you get the AppSheet add-on, then almost the application is done. Amazing software !!!
Almost all functionality that I look for is available.
Performance to be increased