En savoir plus sur Upvio

Cogsworth est un logiciel de prise de rendez-vous en ligne conçu pour aider les entreprises à créer des pages de réservation et à accepter les rendez-vous de vos clients. QUI DEVRAIT CHOISIR COGSWORTH : La plateforme Cogsworth s’adresse à toutes les entreprises de services telles que les médecins, les écoles, les garagistes, les réparateurs, les esthéticiennes, les spas, les gymnases, les cliniques, les services pour animaux de compagnie, les restaurants, les universités, les garderies, les conseillers financiers, les consultants, etc. NOTIFICATIONS PAR E-MAIL ET PAR SMS, RAPPELS ET SUIVIS : Envoyez des rappels par e-mail ou par SMS pour réduire le taux de non-présentation. Définissez le moment où vous souhaitez que les rappels soient déclenchés, puis utilisez le générateur de modèles intuitif de Cogsworth pour créer des messages personnalisés qui seront envoyés automatiquement aux clients et au personnel. Vous pouvez programmer l’envoi de rappels au personnel et/ou aux clients plusieurs jours, heures ou minutes avant les rendez-vous. Envoyez un suivi après le rendez-vous et recevez des avis Avec Cogsworth, vous pouvez déclencher l’envoi d’e-mails et de SMS aux clients après les rendez-vous. Recueillez des avis sur une échelle de 1 à 5 étoiles, ainsi que des commentaires et des réactions sur votre personnel et vos services. Vous pouvez afficher vos avis publiquement si vous le souhaitez en les intégrant à votre site Internet. RÔLES DU PERSONNEL ET D’AUTORISATION FLEXIBLES : Les administrateurs peuvent contrôler les paramètres de l’ensemble de l’entreprise, tandis que le personnel peut uniquement consulter ses propres rendez-vous, ses clients et les paramètres de son profil. Le personnel peut créer des heures de travail qui se répètent (comme une plage de travail de 9 h à 5 h) ou peut définir des heures de travail en équipe qui changent d’une semaine à l’autre. SYNCHRONISEZ ET CONSOLIDEZ TOUS VOS CALENDRIERS POUR ÉVITER LES RÉSERVATIONS EN DOUBLE : Cogsworth offre un très bon contrôle en ce qui concerne les calendriers des entreprises et du personnel. Grâce à la prise en charge des calendriers Google, Outlook et Apple, Cogsworth permet à votre personnel de connecter ses calendriers personnels et professionnels afin d’éviter les doubles emplois du temps. Cogsworth affichera les événements du calendrier externe et n’autorisera pas les réservations en double. Ensuite, lorsque des rendez-vous sont pris avec le personnel, Cogsworth inscrit ces rendez-vous dans des connexions de calendrier externes. Vous pouvez même contrôler le modèle d’invitation au calendrier qui est envoyé au personnel et aux clients, et choisir d’afficher ou de masquer les informations relatives aux rendez-vous. Il est même possible que le personnel n’ait jamais besoin de se connecter à Cogsworth, car il peut obtenir toutes les informations relatives à ses rendez-vous à partir de son agenda. CONFORMITÉ (RGPD et HIPAA) : Cogsworth permet aux organisations de recueillir des informations sur les clients en posant des questions personnalisées avec des réponses à choix multiples, des chiffres, des réponses oui/non et des réponses descriptives. La plateforme conforme à la loi sur la portabilité et la responsabilité en matière d’assurance maladie (HIPAA) et au Règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD) vous permet d’avoir l’esprit tranquille. Le plan POWER de Cogsworth est accompagné de BAA émis. TRADUIRE COGSWORTH : Le portail de réservation frontal de Cogsworth (que vos clients voient) peut être traduit dans toutes les langues. PARTAGEZ VOTRE PAGE DE RÉSERVATION : Les entreprises peuvent installer des widgets de réservation sur leurs sites Internet afin que les visiteurs puissent prendre rendez-vous en temps réel en fonction de la disponibilité du personnel, des ressources et des services. INTÉGRATIONS : Cogsworth facilite l’intégration avec divers systèmes tiers tels que Zapier, Doxy.me, etc. Les entreprises peuvent également accepter les paiements via PayPal ou Stripe, programmer des réunions à l’aide de Google Meet, Zoom ou Doxy.me et créer des rendez-vous récurrents pour améliorer la fidélité des clients. API : Cogsworth dispose d’une API entièrement paramétrable qui vous permet de contrôler tous les aspects du processus de réservation. Pour les constructions avancées et personnalisées, Cogsworth est parfait pour orchestrer l’ensemble du processus de planification du calendrier et des rendez-vous. PROGRAMMATION POUR LES FRANCHISES/ENTREPRISES MULTIPLES : Cogsworth vous permet de créer des entreprises distinctes, avec du personnel, des rendez-vous, des clients, des services, des notifications, etc. distincts. Vous pouvez avoir du personnel qui siège dans ces entreprises. CE QUI REND COGSWORTH DIFFÉRENT : - Un service client incroyable - Une utilisation et une configuration faciles - Une fonctionnalité de planification en profondeur, efficace mais simple - Une API avancée et documentée.
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Upvio - Prix

Upvio n'est pas disponible en version gratuite mais propose un essai gratuit. La version payante de Upvio est disponible à partir de 39,00 $US/mois.

À partir de :
39,00 $US/mois
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Parcourir les avis sur Upvio

55 avis sur 55
Classer par :
  • Secteur d'activité : Cabinets médicaux
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 10/05/2021

Not only a great scheduler, but a great company to work with


We use Cogsworth for scheduling patients and have integrated it into our patient booking. Cogsworth supports a number of teleconferencing solutions for virtual appointments and allows for customization of just about every single thing the customer will ever see from you. I absolutely love the instant SMS texts when a new appointment comes in. [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN] of the company, is probably hands-down the nicest and most personable customer service representative I've engaged with. Whenever we needed some new feature he had his development team crank it out in literally days. That kind of flexibility should cost thousands of dollars but is something the Cogsworth team does to always constantly be improving their product. The developers are super fast to help customers out as well and I never once felt like we weren't an important customer. The software is easy to run for multiple businesses and is easy to engage with for Staff members. Cogsworth is that one software that really captures just about everything you would need in a scheduler in one product. They just added a brand new feature to put customers on the calendar that haven't completely finished payment, which is absolutely brilliant as sometimes customers will abandon the process when it comes time to pay and may need some additional convincing to complete their appointment.


It is clear that their software is growing at a fast pace and they have added tons of great features to Cogsworth even over the short time we've been with them. Picking negatives is tough, but if it's something I had to say I liked least I would say that they could probably take a step back and look at all of their features that they've put together and reorganize the menus a bit to align with their current product offering better. At the end of the day I'd rather have the features than not, so this is nit-picking. They offer both Stripe and Paypal payments, but I would also like to see one more payment method like Square (as Square is HIPAA-compliant).

Alternatives envisagées 

Acuity Scheduling

Pourquoi passer à Upvio

Cogsworth was the best software we evaluated among all the alternatives.
  • Secteur d'activité : Marketing et publicité
  • Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 09/09/2021

Great- I am so happy I found it!

I love it. This is the second software- after airtable- that I couldn't live without.


I absolutely love Cogsworth- I tried Calendly before and hated it. The pricing is similar, but I find the UI so much more intuitive than Calendly's. I especially like the "generate email signature" feature. It has saved ua a lot of money, because we originally wanted to hire someone to do signatures for us.


Some integrations aren't as flawless as google cal or zoom- especially ms teams (which we tried before zoom; but this might as well be ms teams, not cogsworth), but we found a way it works for us.

Alternatives envisagées 


Pourquoi choisir Upvio 

Couldn't handle Calendly

Logiciel antérieur 


Pourquoi passer à Upvio

Tried Calendly and didn't like their user interface
  • Secteur d'activité : Gestion de l'enseignement
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 201–500 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 03/12/2021

Poor support and complex system ad-on charged

On sending complaints to Cogsworth regarding the complexity of setups and services not working. Quick to jump on for extra money 99$ to provide support. For any business ecosystem to work there must be a level of support provided even just through a help desk on the platform, to troubleshoot even those who have been trained. As management, when I complained my subscription was canceled even though the subscription had 4 months left with only 7 days notice. I think as a business be careful with such behaviors, as it will have great cost implications. I will most likely recommend going for a business with a better-developed support service and professional manners and processes in dealing with complaints.


My customers found the booking system useful.


Poor support, complex setup, and calendar integrations. Very expensive add-on services. Poor training materials and uses. Very unprofessional staff to connect with.

Alternatives envisagées 


Pourquoi choisir Upvio 

For more functionality. However, I will be switching back for better support and lower costs.

Pourquoi passer à Upvio

Cogsworth at the time seemed to have better functionality when Group bookings were required. Unfortunately, it became too complex to set up and implement.

Réponse de Upvio

We provided many hours of free setup and service to this client. The client used the platform for over a year. Then there was a handover and the client, despite multiple suggestions refused to learn the new platform.

Répondu le 12/07/2022
  • Secteur d'activité : Services et technologies de l'information
  • Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
  • Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant plus d'un an
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 28/12/2019

My GO-TO Appointment tool!

A joy to use! Cogsworth allows me look very professional when my clients need to schedule some time.


Cogsworth is feature-pack and so intuitive to use. Some of the features include multiple services, calendar integration, payment, buffer times, ability to select different types of meeting locations (physical location, online, etc), group bookings and the list goes on! In addition, I love how intuitive the tool is! It's easy to get setup and running FAST!


Honestly, there's really nothing I don't like about the software! The founder is open to suggestions and feedback and has implemented a lot of things based on feedback!

  • Secteur d'activité : Médias en ligne
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 28/05/2021

Fast and easy scheduling tool with a wide range of applications

I am a consultant helping other business with digital strategy. I often recommend and implement solutions. I did several demos with bigger players before finding Cogsworth -- and never looked back.

Have completed one implementation using their SaaS model and expect to do many more in the future using that approach and their API.


Agile team making continual improvements to the service. Easy to implement and learn. Company does an awesome job listening to its customers. End user experience of booking an appt.


We found a few bugs, but were thrilled to see all of them fixed within a couple days of reporting them.

  • Secteur d'activité : Construction
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 201–500 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 16/05/2024

Scheduling appointments made amazing with Upvio


I like it’s simplicity in booking appointments.
Customer support is available 24/7.


At this stage i can not say anything that I dislike.

  • Secteur d'activité : Marketing et publicité
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 27/10/2018

The most time-saving and flexible software I could have found

When I was having a research on what to use for my appointments, the name itself was eye-catching and positive to me so I got interested and captured with Cogsworth. It reminded me of my childhood, winter time, watching Beauty and the Beast where there was this Cogsworth character. Cogsworth.com gave me the impression I am safe and will manage my time effectively. Whenever I get an email with the name of the company, it kind of relieves my stress.

I am a digital marketing specialist and making appointments is one of the key indicators on how professionally I can handle my meetings without spending more time.


1. No credit card required when signing up
Lots of times I didn’t sign up for a tool or a service as they required a credit card and after the trial, took money from my card without any notification.

2. It is very easy to set up
3. You can schedule multiple events
4. The form is easy to fill out
5. It is cloud-based which means I don’t have to download an app (I am always low on memory)
6. You can ask questions to the people you are going to have an appointment with


You don't have the ability to change the way the form from one question at a time to displaying all questions at once.

  • Secteur d'activité : Marketing et publicité
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 03/12/2018

A software worth having

Even if I change my workplace, I would recommend Cogsworth in new workplaces as it is really time-effective and worth having.


I started using Cogsworth by chance as the company I am employed in, is using it. I remember having a time management meeting and were brainstorming how to reduce time spent on administrative tasks.

As we spent too much time on making international calls, writing too many emails for scheduling a single appointment, was one of the most time-consuming tasks. One of the employees suggested using an appointment scheduling software and based on her previous experience, we chose Cogsworth.

Now we concentrate our marketing and sales efforts on more important tasks; the times of sending three to four emails is gone.


The analytics needs to be improved. Information like who intended to schedule an event but left it undone or halfway. It will help me analyze their behavior and check if there is any step the user is avoiding to fill in.

  • Secteur d'activité : Marketing et publicité
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 28/11/2018

All my colleagues started using Cogsworth, too

When it comes to choosing an appointment scheduling software, I definitely recommend using Cogsworth. As they have a watermark, all of our clients and colleagues started using it. I am happy to have this positive influence on them


I am a highly organized person and keeping everything in order is a high priority for me. With Cogsworth, I feel relaxed as I am sure all the meetings are arranged accordingly. I share my my available time with my colleagues, boss and the clients.

Cogsworth helps me stand out as a professional who saves time and efforts. Nothing makes me happier than sending a link, just asking to choose a date for the meeting. There can be no misunderstanding on the scheduled appointment.


My choice of an appointment tool has never been questioned as I carefully choose all the tools and software to work with. This is why I love Cogsworth and there has never been any significant feature that annoyed me

  • Secteur d'activité : Marketing et publicité
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant 6 à 12 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 03/11/2018

A lot of useful and time-saving features for arranging a meeting

If you need an appointment-making software which is easy to use and saves time, has canned responses, Cogsworth is something you will like


Cogsworth makes it easier for me to organize thousands of interviews. I keep everything organized and still have time to rest, no confusion or overbooking. If there are various topics that I want to discuss, I can create multiple events and they can choose the one related to them.

You can also ask questions to the person you are going to have an appointment with. To make their job easier, you can give them multiple choice, mark required fields and fields you would like to know but it’s not compulsory. There are stored responses which help save time and generate ideas. It is really effective for me and for my professional level. Apart from saving time, it enables you to get valuable information and make better communication, prepare better arguments for your target audience.


It does not let me white label. Sometimes I want the person not to know what software I used so that they think I have done some magic work. Other than that, I am satisfied with both the plan and the price.

Utilisateur vérifié
  • Secteur d'activité : Comptabilité
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 02/09/2022

Robust team scheduling management for our practitioners

We love the scheduler and telemed product and support team is great. Very knowledgeable, super responsive.


Solid automation of patient engagement. The team went out of their way to help us set up, train everyone on it and make sure we implemented it correctly. They also advised with PMS integration. We found that it was better to get specialist schedulers and tele software rather than all in one PMS that does a many things but not too well.


Would love more reporting. Right now we need to use CSV or API to do that.

  • Secteur d'activité : Santé, bien-être et fitness
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 51–200 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 26/11/2018

No back-and-forth emails needed!

Problems that Cogsworth solved for me

a) Saved my time
b) Makes everything look more professional
c) No need for an assistant
d) No missed appointment


Cogsworth website is very easy to navigate and find the information you need.

When I signed up, it was really fast to send an email and verify my account. This step was very fast and easy, I liked it a lot. This was my first impression of Cogsworth and for me, it showed the care and attention for their product and their job the team has.

Scheduling is so simple and lets me do everything in no time


I would like the free plan to have more features than it has now. I tried the "Solo" plan and it was difficult to come back to the basic plan. I would really love to have email follow-ups.

Utilisateur vérifié
  • Secteur d'activité : Animation
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 02/09/2022

Specialists in HIPAA scheduling

One great scheduler specialist company. Best to do a few things really well.


We have a unique scheduling use case that caters more toward larger teams. Cogsworth has helped us over the last few years streamline our entire provider schedules and automate the customer journey.


Deposit payments would be good and native forms - which I know to be coming.

  • Secteur d'activité : Logiciels
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 201–500 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant 6 à 12 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 14/11/2018

Easier to do business and improve conversion rates


When a person wants to connect with you and make an appointment after the lead chooses the topic of the appointment, my available date and time slot, I ask for their name and the email so that I can send them customized emails. This is a good way of lead nurturing as you know that if the lead contacted you, wants an appointment with you, he is already in the consideration stage and all I need to give them is guidance, sometimes discounts and special offers. This increases the chance of turning the lead into an actual customer.

I not only save time but also my marketing efforts and budget on it as now me and my team generate leads easier than before using Cogsworth.

I also like the idea of having Privacy and Policy section right under the booking info. So if the lead is concerned about their privacy and how we are going to use their information, they can read all the necessary information.


I find it difficult to find something I would say I don’t like. I am happy with the features.

  • Secteur d'activité : Réseaux informatiques
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 51–200 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 06/11/2018

100% transparency into my business


It is transparent and all the team members can see who's booked when, when they have available time and if the person chose a team member or gave no preference who they will talk to. Based on this, we judge the team's performance and discuss why website visitors chose that very team member over others.

This has been really helpful and the need to spend more time on discussion and communication lessened due to the fact that nobody needs to prove us anything; the result is just there!


There is no backend translation, only front-end. There is no translation of user interface into other languages, you can only translate the booking form.

Utilisateur vérifié
  • Secteur d'activité : Services financiers
  • Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant Essai gratuit
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 03/11/2018

Smart Booking made easy

During this trial period, I've tested just about all the features of Cogsworth, except for the Webhooks, which is not currently available during the Trial period. It has a lot of Potential, but seeing the ADDONS on their webpage, i think subscription costs will eventually increase even for 3 businesses sharing the cost.


We are currently looking to buy a subscription to this service, since it is really convenient for Customers to book a meeting via our website. Their portal is pretty much straightforward and easy to setup. It is also easy to integrate the code to our existing website.


Maybe the least liked about Cogsworth is the portal booking interface. It needs a lot of rework as the customer can only see a week and then click on NEXT until he / she reaches the date he wants. There should be options for a MONTH view at least and then. Also after booking confirmation, there is NO LINK to BOOK ANOTHER SERVICE. There is also very minimal customizations you can do with the booking page. I was hoping it would be like booking a HOTEL.

Utilisateur vérifié
  • Secteur d'activité : Automobile
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 03/09/2022

Works well for my practice

I wanted something that made it easy for patients to schedule outside of working hours and was hipaa compliant.


Patients can confirm & reschedule their appointments remotely. Less back and forth


Would like more native integrations.

  • Secteur d'activité : Santé, bien-être et fitness
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 51–200 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 04/11/2018

Very useful to manage time and have organized, scheduled days and events


While making an appointment, Cogsworth step by step guides you on what to do and on the third step, it gives you the overall image of the appointment. You see the date, time, the city and the country you are in, you also see similar information of your partners.

If you want to have more information on the person contacting you, you can ask them questions like "What's your name?", "What's your email"? "What's your phone number?" and other necessary questions for knowing who you are going to have an appointment with. For a doctor, this is very useful as I can add questions to know which patient has a certain problem.

You will never miss anything as you get notifications. You can even choose to get an SMS if you are going to be without an internet for a while.


The software doesn't support Indian specific payment gateways

Utilisateur vérifié
  • Secteur d'activité : Marketing et publicité
  • Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les mois pendant plus de deux ans
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 01/05/2022

Reliable online booking

Overall it's a well developed and feature rich booking app but make sure you know what you need otherwise the extra add-ons could add up.


I was particularly impressed by the number of options for tweaking the appearance of public facing booking pages which allowed me to get the branding and messaging exactly right for my business. The booking flow is very user friendly and well designed.


My biggest gripe is the number of add-ons with some developments only accessible by paying more which is often a monthly fee.

  • Secteur d'activité : Services et technologies de l'information
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant 6 à 12 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 30/10/2018

It is a good software for managing your business, personal and other schedules.

When at first I read the name, I have not thought that it is a page for making notifications and setting up a personal schedule. But after registration, it was much easier because it has an even short tutorial about how to use the software. Also, it has many different ways of making meetings, and you can plan your whole day.
Cogsworth solved lots of my scheduling and appointment issues, saved lots of my time and efforts on connecting with my colleagues and clients.
It is a good software for managing your business, personal and other schedules.


It is very fast and easy to set up a meeting or change something in the schedule. Also, the website can be connected to users mail, and it will notify them about your upcoming meetings. It makes their job easier and they don’t have to make lots of clicks, go to a landing page.


It doesn’t have email marketing as part of the platform. I do get notifications about my scheduled events but as a marketing strategy, they don’t send emails like newsletters, reminders to upgrade to the paid plan and so on.

Utilisateur vérifié
  • Secteur d'activité : Logiciels
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant Essai gratuit
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Support client

Publié le 04/09/2022

Solid API - much cheaper than cronofy

Well documented restful API with easy integrations to calendar sync.


We needed a scheduling solution for our marketplace, so we signed up to a bunch and finally settled on Cogsworth. Good interface, solid API and SDK.


Would love to have prorated billing as it is a bit annoying having to buy credits each time.

  • Secteur d'activité : Formation professionnelle et coaching
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
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Support client

Publié le 10/08/2018

Super easy to use, great way to schedule!


I am able to completely customize my availability within the system. It also links to my Google calendar, so it updates itself when I make certain times busy on my schedule. I also like that it sends an automated accept from the person scheduling with me, that way I don't have to scratch and claw to grab that accept.


I wish Cogsworth synced with my Gmail to create a full calendar view within my email so my clients don't have to go through the trouble of clicking the link, then finding the day and time.

  • Secteur d'activité : Gestion de l'enseignement
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 51–200 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant 6 à 12 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 22/11/2018

I wish I Discovered Congsworth erlier


I used to write thousands of emails to people I needed to make appointments with. When I first leant about Cogsworth, I thought it would just save a couple of minues of my time.

But it turned out that I saved lots of time, not just a couple of minutes! Also, I am not good at soft skills so writing emails is usually a torture for me. I need to check everything thousands of times before sending it.

Now, with Cogsworth, I just embed it in my email and the person chooses an available time slot.

Additionally, sometimes I add some questions for the person to answer and it helps me sound more professional, as though I never forget anything.


I find it difficult to mention something that is a downside for me. Perhaps the only thing is I would like it to have a whitelabel. But it's not disturbing for me so I am satisfied with what I have.

  • Secteur d'activité : Logiciels
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 201–500 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 06/11/2018

Software Review


It meets all the user requirements all the automated simple requirements that the customer needs to work with when using the software... Its simply interesting and amazing


Nothing mainly the only least thing I have about the software is nothing mainly it meets all my requirements

  • Secteur d'activité : Internet
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 01/09/2022

We recommend Cogsworth to our clients


We like that Cogsworth has a multi business model in one account. This makes it useful for resellers and franchises.


I wish we could do part payments with coggy

55 avis

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