En savoir plus sur GetResponse

GetResponse - Prix
GetResponse est disponible en version gratuite et propose un essai gratuit. La version payante de GetResponse est disponible à partir de 15,58 $US/mois.
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- Secteur d'activité : Marketing et publicité
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
GetResponse : l'outil polyvalent et efficace en email marketing
Pour l'essentiel, GetResponse constitue un outil marketing tout-en-un, vous pouvez l'utiliser pour créer des emails, des sites web et optimiser la délivrabilité des emails.
GetResponse constitue un outil de marketing tout-en-un parfaitement adapté aux besoins des entreprises qui disposent d'une liste email d'au moins plusieurs centaines de personnes. Vous souhaitez créer un flux d'automatisation facilement ? C'est l'outil qu'il vous faut si vous voulez gagner en temps et en efficacité. J'utilise personnellement la plateforme pour envoyer des newsletters aux prospects de mes clients e-commerçants. Grâce à la fonction d'automatisation intelligente, j'arrive à segmenter ma liste d'email en un temps record. Ce qui me permet d'obtenir un taux de réponse important.
En dépit de ses nombreux points positifs, GetResponse devrait rendre le processus de création de formulaires plus simple et intuitif.
Réponse de GetResponse
Thanks for writing a review. We're so glad you're loving the GetResponse platform and our email marketing features!

- Secteur d'activité : Construction
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les mois pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Attention arnaque : renouvellement automatique sans possibilité d'annulation
mauvaise, je ne recommande pas cette société qui ne respecte pas ses clients
l'envoi de mails automatiques grace à l'autorépondeur
le service client
Par exemple, ils te prélèvent l'abonnement annuel sans prévenir par un mail avant.
Après impossible de se faire rembourser, même au prorata...
Bref, un comportement malhonnête
Réponse de GetResponse
Hi Sylvain, thank you for your feedback. We're so sorry to hear about your experience. Can you please send an email to [email protected] so we can follow up with you on this directly? Thank you! - Mariana
- Secteur d'activité : Équipement et fournitures de bureau
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'avis
GetResponse , le meilleur
GetResponse est bénéfique pour le nouveau créateur en email pour créer de superbes newsletters comme un designer de répondeurs automatiques intelligents dans la destination potentiel de l'automatisation du marketing numérique surtout pour les PME, d'optimisation de la délivrabilité des e-mails .
Mon utilisation , de GetResponse est vraiment idéal dans la gestion numérique complète du marketing multicanal en ligne , quels que soient votre secteur d'activité .
Réponse de GetResponse
Hi Dina,
Thanks for your review!
We're thrilled to hear that you find GetResponse beneficial, especially for new email creators looking to craft stunning newsletters and leverage our smart autoresponder designer. It's great to know that you're maximizing email deliverability and finding it valuable for SMEs and digital marketing automation.
- Secteur d'activité : Affaires internationales
- Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant Essai gratuit
Provenance de l'avis
capetrra avis
jaime sa et sa fait passer le temps quand jai rien a faire
jaime tout sur se site mais surtout le fait que sa nous pay
sa pai pas tres cher ses se que jai le moin apprecier
- Secteur d'activité : Sports
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les mois pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
bon logiciel pour la livraison de mail
facile a prendre en main et beaucoup d'option disponible !
application au top, rien a redire. c'est facile a prendre en mains et on peut personnalisé pour chaque personne avec leurs contact
Réponse de GetResponse
Thank you for your wonderful review! 😊 We’re thrilled to hear you’re enjoying the ease of use and personalization options. If you ever need anything or have more feedback, we’re always here to help! 💙 – Mariana
- Secteur d'activité : Internet
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
UN TRES BON AUTOREPONDEUR (parfait pour l'email marketing simple et facile )
C'est un excellent outil pour toute petite entreprise à la recherche d'un logiciel d'emailing marketing.
Il permet de faire des wébinaire également ( mais ce n'est pas sa fonction première) J'ai vraiment beaucoup aimé la fonctionnalité glisser-déposer ça simplifie vraiment la vie .
Vous pouvez créer des e-mails promotionnels, des newsletters sans avoir à etre un champion de la technique ( ce qui n'est pas mon cas) .
Vous pouvez également partager votre compte pour le déléguer à un prestataire ou au un autre administrateur, vous choississez les fonctionnalités que vous acceptez de déléguer en gardant ainsi le contrôle sur votre compte.
-pour moi l'un des meilleurs auto-répondeur avec un très bon taux de délivrabilité.
-le support client est très réactif c'est un vrai plus .
-hyper intuitif d'utilisation et la mise à jour avec les workflow permet de créer des séquence d'emailing vraiment personnalisé en fonction des action de vos prospects .
le seul petit point faible c'est qu'il n'y a pas de tuto en français fait par Get Response
Réponse de GetResponse
Hi Mickael! Thank you for this review! We do have this YouTube playlist which lists multiple videos in French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klPUul050w4&list=PLolK1kgYG3zzG5eaCumoQjQpUeuoBRDwW. However, I will let the team know you would like to see more of these in the future. -Taylor
- Secteur d'activité : Vente au détail
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant Essai gratuit
Provenance de l'avis
Attention 30 jours faussement gratuits !
A fuir il y a d'autre solution bien moins cher sur le marché (je ne ferais pas de pub pour leurs concurrents).
Je n'en ai pas trouvé. J'ai utilisé la solution 2 semaines mais rien ne fonctionnait comme je voulais, la connexion avec un e-commerce est très compliqué et pas terminée je pense car c'est une nouvelle fonctionnalité.
J'ai un second compte chez eux depuis 2 ans pour un autre site qui n'est pas e-commerce et c'est plus simple (le seul point positif qu'il y a)
- 30 jours en freeplan sauf qu'on peut pas tester toutes les fonctionnalités
- 30 jours gratuits si on prend un plan e-commerce ils facturent directement, donc je cherche ou sont les 30 jours gratuits.
- La solution avec WooCommerce ne remonte pas les informations des contacts 1 semaine pour leur faire comprendre qu'ils faut qu'ils regardent ce qui ne va pas.
Par la suite je demande un remboursement car ce n'est pas clair et ça ne fonctionne pas avec mon site. A la place on me propose 10% pour que je reste (je ne vois pas trop le rapport).
Réponse de GetResponse
Merci pour votre feedback.
Nous sommes désolés d'apprendre votre mauvaise expérience.
Veuillez noter que vous êtes toujours le bienvenu pour nous faire part de vos suggestions sur la façon dont nous pouvons améliorer notre plateforme.
Nous l'apprécierons grandement.
Si vous avez besoin d'aide supplémentaire, veuillez nous en informer par e-mail: [email protected].
- Secteur d'activité : Marketing et publicité
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
L'Emailil Marketing de Référence.
Je possède, avec "GETRESPONSE", un logiciel d'email marketing tout à fait REMARQUABLE, assurément un des MEILLEURS du Marché actuellement.
J'aime ce logiciel complet, puissant et enrichissant car doté de fonctions innovantes (chat, webinaire...); Les tabloïds sont clairs, l'Automatisation au TOP. Vous avez 30 jours d'Essai Gratuit pour le tester... Vous allez l'ADORER !!
Le nombre croissant de vos abonnés va impacter le tarif de votre abonnement... Est ce un Inconvénient ??
Réponse de GetResponse
Hi Jean,
Thank you for the positive review. We're glad to hear you are loving our email marketing tools!
Best wishes,
- Secteur d'activité : Marketing et publicité
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Obtenez la delivrabilité de vos e-mails et faites de l'email marketing avec GetResponse
GetReponse est un meilleur outil pour faire de l'email marketing. Cet outil m'a permis d'automatiser l'envoie des emails lorsque j'avais besoin d'un outil pareil
La delivrabilité des emails est une fonctionnalité géniale. La simplicité d'utilisation également
Ça a été un peu difficile de l'intégrer dans mon business.
Réponse de GetResponse
Hey Francois,
Thanks for the review. We always appreciate feedback! We're glad you were able to automate your email marketing with GetResponse. :) -Abbie
- Secteur d'activité : Assurance
- Taille de l'entreprise : 5 001–10 000 employés
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Campagne email au top
Gestion de campagne email complètement automatisée. Facilite les relances et le tracking d'ouverture de mails.
Gros point noir, beaucoup de grande entreprise bloque les emails ayant cette signature
Réponse de GetResponse
Hi Doleresse,
Thank you for your feedback! We're happy to hear you have thought our email campaigns are top notch.
We haven't heard of our emails being blocked from our signatures, however, we will pass this information to our team to find an answer.
Thank you!

- Secteur d'activité : Services juridiques
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les mois pendant 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Manque des fonctionnalités, trop compliqué, facturation abusive
Déçu au global. C'est beau sur le papier mais à l'utilisation, peu intuitif et lourd pour des non experts.
On a eu qq changements d'abonnements (upgrades) sans avoir été prévenus et quelques (mauvaises) surprises en facturation.
Au départ le support était assez réactif mais bizarrement moins sur la facturation.
Ca paraissait simple et assez complet avec des modèles.
Navigation compliquée. Tout est trop complexe, mal traduit. La gestion des listes et contacts est lourde à souhait. Les ajustements sur les landing pages sont fastidieux. On est loin du simple "drag and drop"
Réponse de GetResponse
Hi Julien!
Thank you for your feedback. If you want to share more details as to how we can make our tool more user friendly and our pricing more appealing, don't hesitate to let us know via email or LiveChat. We'd greatly appreciate that. -Taylor
- Secteur d'activité : Biens de consommation
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Très cher et ROI négatif
Suivi inexistant, ils veulent absolument vous facturer la maximum possible
la fonction preview et plutôt bien faire, la possibilité de personnaliser les messages aussi
pas de calendrier de diffusion, difficulté pour voir les stats, usine à gaz pour segmenter et très cher
Réponse de GetResponse
Thank you for taking the time to leave feedback. I will be sure to share this information, both the pros and cons, with our team. -Taylor

- Secteur d'activité : Biens de consommation
- Taille de l'entreprise : 10 000+ employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
GetResponse Fuels Data-Driven Marketing Decisions
It has an accessible interface that makes it easy for a single person to set up and monitor multiple campaigns at once. The analytics dashboard gives immediate feedback on campaign performance with ease. One thing that I have found the autoresponder function most helpful for was nurturing leads with the delivery of targeted content. The learning process was pretty smooth, while there was a brief adjustment period to make most features, but the comprehensive knowledge base and the responsiveness of customer support helped.
GetResponse's email marketing analytics exceed basic open and click rates. Advanced segmentation capabilities allow junior managers to drill down into particular subscriber behaviors, lending itself to hyper targeted campaign optimization. This level of granularity in campaign analysis is a new feature that most other platforms don’t offer.
If you need real data regarding a platform’s A/B testing tool, then it is quite useful; however, it has fewer variables to test than subject lines and content variations. The best thing about GetResponse was the more advanced segmentation tools and even in the analytics report.
Réponse de GetResponse
Hi Sasha,
Thanks for this fantastic detailed review! Really appreciate you breaking down how our analytics and segmentation tools are working for you. Love hearing that you found the switch from Mailchimp worthwhile for your complex automation needs.
Keep crushing those email campaigns - sounds like you're really making the most of our platform!
- Secteur d'activité : Internet
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'avis
Get responses I must have for your business or brand
My overall experience has been great with get response I've used them for many many years I've never had any issue with the system and they always update me of any updates or any issues that may arise in the future.
What I like about get response is how easy it is to set up and their customer service is A1 You have any issues they get back to you right away They also have full training just in case you don't know how to use the software.
The only thing that I would like to say that is a con is it could be a little cheaper for beginners or give some form of free tier like what mailchimp has I think that would be great for the system other than that it's an excellent autoresponder.
Réponse de GetResponse
Hi Stephen,
Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. It's wonderful to hear that you've been a loyal customer for many years and that you've never encountered any issues with our system. Your trust and loyalty mean a lot to us, and we're committed to keep providing you with a reliable service and regular updates! 😊
We appreciate your feedback regarding pricing, and we understand the importance of offering options that cater to all users, including beginners. We continuously evaluate our pricing structure to ensure it remains competitive and accessible to everyone.
Thank you for choosing GetResponse as your autoresponder solution, and for your valuable feedback. We look forward to continuing to serve you and exceed your expectations in many years to come.

- Secteur d'activité : Marketing et publicité
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
I have been their customer long ago and tried to start being their affiliate, inspired by some marketers online.
I referred a friend of mine as a test, and commissions initially were paid.
Then, WITHOUT any prior notice, they simply stopped paying commissions, they deleted the customer from my referral panel BUT they still charged her, and she is still their customer.
So I reached out the support for an explanation: initially, after days of investigation, they replied that the customer still existed and commissions were pending, which was false.
After posting screenshots of my panel which clearly displays ZERO customer and commissions, and waiting other WEEKS for an answer, they replied that there was a violation of the terms: "The Affiliate is not entitled to the Commission for the purchases of the Service through their own referral link".
Which, again is COMPLETELY FALSE: the customer is a friend of mine, with her credit card, her company, her name and surname and she is a different person and entity and she has not used anything (nor mail, credit card etc) related to me.
It seems a tricky way to not pay a tiny commission and respond with weeks of "investigation" delaying which at the endpoint resulted in a false accusation.
After multiple attempts, and even the customer wrote to them that she is a different person, with HER COMPANY, and using HER DIFFERENT CREDIT CARD, they refused to pay the commission, claiming that they have "other evidence" of something not specified (I hope that they understood that we are not the same person at least).
It seems a hideous attempt to not pay a commission leveraging false accusations and claims.
No matter what proof we bring (even if the customer has a registered company), they refuse to pay and they answer AFTER DAYS.
Interface and user initially friendly experience.
Lack of support and lack of evidences they carry to not pay commissions
Réponse de GetResponse
Hi John,
Thank you for reaching out and bringing this matter to our attention. We understand your frustration and apologize again for any inconvenience caused.
Following our recent communication and review of the situation, we confirm that we have processed the payment for your commission, as discussed. We appreciate your patience and understanding throughout this process.
If you have any further concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
- Secteur d'activité : Divertissement
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Many opporunities but could be improved.
Overall, I like the features and opportunities it has. For my needs, it is, however, a bit too confusing to use. And the support could definitely need an upgrade. It was almost as if the ones I have talked to did not know English that well and therefore did not understand what I was trying to get help with.
It has a lot of features and options for targeting campaigns. It is possible to build very complex email funnels with it.
It definitely takes quite a lof of time to learn how to use it and all its features. But what I like the least is the support I got when I asked for help. It was not very good and it was difficult to get proper replies, in my experience.
Réponse de GetResponse
Thank you for your detailed feedback, Mike! We're glad you find the features and campaign targeting options useful. I’m truly sorry to hear that you felt misunderstood by our support team—that’s certainly not the experience we want for you. We’re actively working to improve communication and ensure our team provides clear, helpful responses. Your feedback is really valuable, and if you'd like further assistance, please feel free to reach out to us anytime. 💙 – Mariana
- Secteur d'activité : Marketing et publicité
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
GetResponse is the word.
Love GetTesponse. It keeps me present in my leads’ minds.
I live that it is easy to use, has all the bells and whistles including analytics and landing pages and it’s a great price!
I wish I had found it sooner. I might have a longer, more engaged list if I had
Alternatives envisagées
AWeberPourquoi choisir GetResponse
Mailchimp was more technical and not so easy to use.Pourquoi passer à GetResponse
All the bells and whistles free for 30 days!Réponse de GetResponse
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for your glowing review of GetResponse! It's wonderful to know that you find our platform easy to use and packed with all the essential features you need.
We're happy you chose us for your marketing journey, and we're here to support you every step of the way. 😊
- Secteur d'activité : Automobile
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
We used Get Response for almost 3 years with no issues. It is a basic service but for the most part it worked adequately. Nothing fancy, no integration with the website and it lacked other basic services, but it did work to send out email promotions.
We typically have a sale once a month and would send out a couple emails about it to our email list. Additionally we would send out some other emails sharing a video or a story with our customers. During the 2023 Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend we sent out 5 emails in a week to promote our sales. Get Response turned off our services and accused us of spamming customers and also getting emails without permission. This did not happen and we communicated this directly to them, each email to their company was met with no emotion, no help and nor resolution.
We were told we needed to show where we received all of our emails from (we had 28,000 emails), make changes to our website and approve the deletion of 14,000 emails, to have the capability to send emails again. I tried many times to email, chat and call and ACTUALLY talk to someone about this misunderstanding, I got nothing except for them to repeat the same thing over and over. We were not able to finish our email campaigns for the sale and as a result lost thousands of dollars.
ALL communication from them was either a bot or a template that was used. There was no help from them whatsoever. We work with many companies and I have never received such terrible service. There was no effort to try and help us and only a very cold response to every inquiry we made. While this service might seem good to use, the customer service is terrible and if you trigger something in their system they WILL turn you off and hold all of your emails hostage. They completely controlled our company and the ability to communicate with customers that signed up through our website to receive emails from us. Get Response has cost our company thousands of dollars by not taking one moment to talk with us and try to fix the issue.
Please look to other companies for these services, in the end it is too costly to lose your contacts. We went with Klaviyo and have been very happy. Mail Chimp is also a great alternative.
Ease of use initially, it was not as easy as we thought.
Limitations with segmenting the email lists
Inability to connect directly with our website
Very poor customer service
Réponse de GetResponse
Hi Ryan,
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with GetResponse.
We apologize for any misunderstanding that may have led to the suspension of your services. Our team is committed to maintaining a high standard for email deliverability and compliance, and we regret any inconvenience caused during the investigation process. This is certainly not the experience we aim to provide.
We also acknowledge your feedback regarding our customer service, and we apologize if you felt unsupported. This is a top priority for us, so we will be reviewing our internal processes to ensure improvements are made in this area.
We appreciate your loyalty over the three years you used GetResponse and regret that it ended on a disappointing note.
We’d very much like to look into this further. If interested, please feel free to reach out to [email protected] so we can try to make things right.

- Secteur d'activité : Services financiers
- Taille de l'entreprise : 10 000+ employés
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Get On Board with GetResponse!
Simple automation and customization of multistep trips based on participant actions could send a series of onboarding emails to new sign-ups, for example, or cart abandonment emails if the purchase is not completed. Workflows customize and improve the effectiveness of marketing.
Landing pages are included with all paid GetResponse plans, whereas other email providers charge extra for this feature. GetResponse's landing page builder is simple to use for drag-and-drop actions yet powerful enough for experienced designers. Landing pages boost the conversion of subscribers into customers substantially. This platform streamlines the process of creating polished email campaigns, optimizing workflows, and tracking performance thanks to its user-friendly design and wide range of capabilities.
Although GetResponse covers most of the fundamentals of email marketing, I would like more enhancements. To properly target emails, the tool might be improved by providing more advanced segmentation choices. It would also be advantageous if they could broaden the integrations to include applications other than conventional ones.
Réponse de GetResponse
Thank you for sharing your positive experience with GetResponse! We're delighted to hear that you find our platform user-friendly and powerful, especially when it comes to landing pages and email campaign optimization.
Your feedback is invaluable to us. We're continuously working on enhancing our features, and we appreciate your suggestion regarding advanced segmentation choices and broader integrations. Rest assured, your input will be considered as we strive to improve our services.
We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to assist you with your email marketing needs.
Best regards,

- Secteur d'activité : Services et technologies de l'information
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'avis
A Good Solution even for small businesses
I use GetResponse to communicate with our blog readers and our subscribers - we have a membership website.I can easily send emails with my saved templates to certain group of users, or automate the new blog post email alerts for the interested ones.Also, they organize useful webinars rich of contents to optimize mail marketing performance, completely free.
About this product, i liked the most the way i can create campaigns with automations and manage contact lists. I found very very useful being able to use conditional logic for contact tagging, moving from list to list or choosing which email will be the next a user will receive.
GetResponse doesn't have a working - or at least a mantained - wordpress plugin, so for one not familiar with API is difficult to automate or customize certain operations. Also, there are some limits in the email and form builder in my opinion.
Alternatives envisagées
BrevoPourquoi passer à GetResponse
The Team was already using it, so i managed to quickly explore, learn ad appreciate this product.Réponse de GetResponse
Hi Monica,
Thanks for writing a review. We're so glad you're loving the GetResponse platform and our email marketing features!
- Secteur d'activité : Produits pharmaceutiques
- Taille de l'entreprise : 501–1 000 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant Essai gratuit
Provenance de l'avis
Efficiency and Effectiveness Combined: Unveiling the Capabilities of GetResponse
I used GetResponse during my internship at the University's Department of Pharmaceutical Development and Research to inform our stakeholders, such as researchers, colleagues, and industry partners, about updates and research findings. The program worked well in organizing our email marketing and keeping our audience interested. GetResponse's user-friendly UI and adaptable templates made creating emails simple while maintaining brand coherence. Through the delivery of customized messages based on subscriber behavior, the automation features facilitated the simplification of communication. We were able to improve our plans thanks to the statistics of the platform, which gave us information on how effective our advertisements were. GetResponse significantly improved our research communication and stakeholder participation thanks to its dependable deliverability and helpful customer service.
GetResponse provides organizations with a full range of email marketing solutions that enable them to establish and maintain relationships with their audience. Even for amateurs, it is simple to design professional-looking email campaigns with its user-friendly editor and drag-and-drop functionality. The automation features of GetResponse make it possible for targeted and tailored communication, which helps businesses save time and engage subscribers when it matters most. The platform's advanced analytics offer insightful information about the effectiveness of campaigns and enable data-driven adjustments. GetResponse is a flexible all-in-one solution for digital marketing because it also provides a variety of extra capabilities including landing page development, webinars, and e-commerce connection. GetResponse is a great option for companies looking to improve their email marketing strategies because of its dependable deliverability and quick customer service.
Despite GetResponse's extensive feature set, there are a few things to keep in mind. The user interface's wealth of options and capabilities may be a little too much for some users to handle. Even if the automated workflows are effective, setting up more complicated scenarios may involve a small learning curve. A further drawback for companies on a tight budget may be the fact that some advanced features and integrations are only offered on higher-tier contracts. Despite these minor flaws, GetResponse is a dependable option for companies trying to streamline and improve their email marketing efforts because of its extensive feature set, deliverability rates, and customer service.
Réponse de GetResponse
Hi Angelica,
Thanks for writing a review. We're so glad you're loving the GetResponse platform and our email marketing features!
- Secteur d'activité : Marketing et publicité
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Go get it it's the best out there.
I am very happy and feel lucky i found them. before i have being using other systems but the service was not good and they where even expensive. With getresponse you can grow and start low. This i love.
Most of the work is allready done. you have to just upload your CSV file of your existing clients and you are good to go. i have checked many other systems out there but getresponse is head and shoulders above the others. And i love how fast the online chat support is.
I whould love to know when they have whitelable package sothat i can sell there services under my name to my clients and earn some recurring payments.
Réponse de GetResponse
Hi there,
Thank you for sharing your enthusiastic review of GetResponse. We're delighted to hear that you find our platform to be the best out there and that most of the work is already done, making it effortless to get started with your existing clients. Our team works hard to provide a top-notch experience for our users, and your positive feedback is truly appreciated.
Regarding your suggestion about a white label package, we value your input and will take it into consideration as we continue to improve and expand our offerings.
If you have any further insights or need any assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're here to support your success and ensure you have a positive experience with GetResponse.
Thank you for choosing GetResponse, and we feel lucky to have you as part of our community.
Best regards,
- Secteur d'activité : Marketing et publicité
- Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Email Marketing Software and Nice template
So basically i have an excellent experience with this website and I'll surely recommend
I've been using Get Response for Months now, primarily for Designing Landing page and(email) campaigns. I thought it was very affordable and useful solution, especially if you couldn't code then their awesome template makes it very easy to use, the designing were basically drag and drop although the ready-made templates outdated but Still okay for me
I wish they had a smaller basic plan for starters. For people just starting out, this would be very helpful, not everyone can afford that amount, some users are students, And also sometimes it logs me out and I'll have to login again
Réponse de GetResponse
Hi Aborisade,
We're so glad to hear you've had an excellent experience using our tool! Our team takes pride in delivering excellent service, and your review serves as a great motivation for us. Thank you for choosing us!
- Secteur d'activité : Services et technologies de l'information
- Taille de l'entreprise : 1 001–5 000 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Elevating Marketing Efforts with Seamless Automation and Analytics
Our marketing processes have been greatly streamlined by this all-in-one platform, which seamlessly integrates email marketing, automation, and landing page development.
One particularly useful feature is the automation workflow builder, which makes it simple to construct intricate, customised customer journeys.The integrated landing page creator is revolutionary because it offers a flawless way to create and publish eye-catching landing pages.
They should consider looking into a more scalable pricing structure for expanding companies.
- Secteur d'activité : Musique
- Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les mois pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Very happy with GetResponse
We are beyond happy with GetResponse. It’s a useful tool that we use for two types of newsletters: company updates and news as well as dedicated merchandise e-mails. In my opinion it’s the go-to tool if you’re an artist or musician looking grow your fanbase. The interface is easily navigable, and you don’t need to be an expert to use it. It’s simple and to the point.
We have also used GetResponse to create cart abandonment e-mails. This is something that has been highly effective and has boosted our sales. It is highly recommended.
A standout feature is the integration of GetResponse with WordPress. This has helped our business to collect hundreds of email addresses each week; these are either people who sign up for our newsletter on our website or those who opt in for merchandise updates while browsing our online store..
GetResponse integrates with other tools that we use (such as gleam.io), which helps us get thousands of email subscribers when we launch competitions and giveaways.
This e-mail marketing suite is highly recommended. Without a doubt, it’ll help your business grow.
Easy to navigate and understand
Great customer service/assistance
We're happy to say that there are no cons to report so far.